Day 1

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Day 1

5:45 am was when Jisung had set his alarm, so why was he abruptly woken up by the loud banging of his front door? Groaning and rolling in his bed, Jisung grabbed his blanket and dragged himself to the front door. Peaking through the peephole he saw Minho standing looking wide awake, suitcase beside him and two coffees in his hand. At the sight of coffee, Jisung swung open the door.

"You're here way too early" Jisung rolled his eyes and grabbed a coffee out of the older boy's hand before motioning him into the flat. Minho chuckled as Jisung rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"I woke up earlier than my alarm and Dori decided he wanted food so I fed him and then just left and slipped a key under my neighbour's door so they could go feed him for the week," Minho explained as he sipped on his own coffee and collapsed onto the sofa.

Jisung heard his phone alarm ringing from his bedroom reminding him he was still in his PJs.

"Gimme like ten minutes to get ready and then we can go, I want a Mcdonald's breakfast because now I don't have time to have cereal" Jisung mumbled half to himself half to his hyung who just hummed in agreement.

The sleepy boy wasted no time in turning off his alarm and putting on the clothes he had set out last night so he wouldn't have to think about what to wear so early in the morning. He put on some light ripped denim jeans and his much-beloved supreme t-shirt. Rushing over to the bathroom Jisung gave his hair a brush through and cleaned his teeth, which he immediately regretted after remembering he still had a cup of coffee and now couldn't drink for a few minutes otherwise it would taste disgusting with clean teeth.

Making his way back to the front room, Minho was now raiding his cupboards.

"Yah, why are you stealing my food" Jisung playfully argued.

"I would steal food if you had any Sung" Minho answered back as he shut the cupboard he was sorting through.

"Well considering I'm not here for a week I made sure to eat everything that was going out of date before we came back" Jisung smiled proud of himself for actually thinking of doing it himself without Chan reminding him to do it.

"I guess we will be stopping at Mcdonald's then" Minho collected the few things he had dumped on the sofa and stood by the door as he waited for the younger to pull on his shoes.

"Which car are we taking?" Jisung asked as he struggled to tie up the long laces so he wouldn't trip over them.

"We can take your car and take it in turns driving, I'll drive the first couple of hours before we stop at McDonald" Minho planned.


"Oh! Apparently, Hyunjin and Changbin hyung are at Mcdonald's right now so we'll catch them there" Jisung looked at the group chat messages.

"I guess I'll meet those two first then" Minho smiled as he checked the GPS to make sure he was turning off at the right time.

The pair pulled into the car park and Jisung pointed out Changbin's car so that they could park beside them.

"I'm sorry in advance if they bug you with questions" Jisung apologised as he took off his seat belt and double-checked he had his wallet.

"Ji it's fine, I don't mind it, I'm sure they are nice" Minho smiled before climbing out of the driver's seat.

Jisung followed behind Minho as they made their way into the fast-food chain. Changbin was sat up on one of the tall breakfast tables scrolling on his phone with Hyunjin half asleep on his shoulder.

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