Day 0

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Day 0

Jisung paced his room, suitcase half packed as he stared at his phone waiting for a response from his friend.

"Why did I have to say I had a boyfriend?" Jisung whined lightly to himself as paced once more before sitting down on his bed.

"Ah yes I, Han Jisung, finally found a boyfriend" Jisung scoffed at his ridiculous self. It wasn't that Jisung was really lying- well, he was- but Minho had been his friend for a few years and the younger had a very large crush on the boy. If said boy responded to his message then he would possibly have a chance to confess to him on the trip.

Instead of wearing a path into his carpet Jisung decided to continue packing up his suitcase. The group was only going for a week and so he wouldn't have to pack too much. Jisung knew he would need a couple of swimming trunks as the group had planned to go surfing one of the days. He also made sure to stuff in all his shorts and a fair amount of shirts to go with it. As he was deciding what cap he would pack to finish it off, his phone buzzed.

Minho Hyungie

What's in it for me?

Jisung took a second to read over the message before breaking out into a smile and quickly sending back a response.


A free holiday and you'll finally meet my other friends :)

After double-checking he had everything packed, Jisung zipped up his suitcase and rolled it to his front door all ready for tomorrow. It was a very early start to get to the beach cabin and the group had all planned to get there before midday.

Minho Hyungie

I guess I can keep you company, can't believe I'm agreeing to this... what time do I need to be at yours?

Jisung jumped up and down buzzing with excitement, Minho was going to hate him for telling him to get to his flat at 6 am but if they wanted to get there on time they also needed to go before the rush hour was in full swing.

Ji's Guide to Fake Dating - Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now