I love you

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Meet me at the music hall.

Tim read the text message his boyfriend, well secret boyfriend since his boyfriend wasn't out yet, sent.

Tim smiled and looked up.

After the bell rung, Tim packed his things and made his way over to the music hall. He spotted his boyfriend.

" Hey." Tim said smiling putting his things down.

" There you are. I missed you." Ben, his boyfriend, said.

Ben kissed Tim before he could do anything.

" I missed you too." Tim said.

" Sorry we have to keep this a secret. I don't want anyone finding out yet." Ben said.

Tim smiled.

" No, it's fine." He said.

Ben then kissed him again.

He left after that.

Tim sighed and got his things again. He walked to his next class.

" Timothy, wasn't expecting you to be here."

Tim looked over to the teacher.

" Hey Mr. Nelson." Tim said.

" Let me see where I put you, oh yes, over there." The teacher said pointing to a table.

Tim looked over to see a boy sitting there. He was muscular and fit.

" He's in your grade. Nice guy, captain of the football team. You'll be great friends. Unless you stay quiet all year. Either way it's fine by me." The teacher said.

Tim sighed and nodded.

He slowly made his way over.

He put his things down and sat down.

The boy looked at Tim.

" Hey." Tim said.

" Hi." The boy said.

" I'm Tim."

" I'm Conner."

Tim smiled and got to his work. Conner looked at Tim for a little before going back to his work.

" You do any sports?" Conner asked.

" No, I'm actually pretty bad." Tim said laughing.

" You can't be that bad." Conner said.

" I got kicked out of soccer as a kid cuz 'I wasn't fast enough'" Tim said.

Conner laughed.

" That's funny." Conner said.

Tim laughed.

After class Conner watched as Tim put his things away.

" What do you have next?" Conner asked.

" I've got math." Tim said.

" Me too, let's walk together." Conner said.

Tim smiled nodded. He turned a little hiding his face.

" You're a funny guy, how come I've never talked to you before." Conner said.

" Maybe because you're the captain of the football team, while I'm just me." Tim said.

Conner tilted his head and faced Tim.

" You're saying as if being just you is a bad thing." Conner said.

" Well in this school I guess so." Tim said.

Tim looked up and saw Ben walking his direction.

" Hey." Tim said waving at Ben.

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