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Yes, this is based off Sk8 the infinity

(Every stories before this one literally makes me wanna ripped off my hair 😭 they're so embarrassing)


Tim and Conner were riding on their skateboard around the park.

" Conner, slow down a bit, I can't keep up." Tim said.

They were riding side by side holding hands.

" Sorry, yea I'll slow down." Conner said half smiling.

" Wait Tim I forgot to tell you there's a huge-"

Tim's skateboard hit a crack and threw him off.

" ...Crack on that side..." Conner said.

Conner got off his and ran to help Tim.

" Thanks for the warning." Tim said.

Conner laughed. He knelt down in front of Tim.

" Excuse me."

Conner turned to see a man.

" Can i help you?" Conner asked standing up.

Tim stood up next to him.

" I noticed you skateboard. I am looking for people to join this new event I made." The man said.

Conner looked over to Tim. Tim shrugged.

" I also noticed you are very handsome for someone your age." The man said.

Tim looked the man up and down, he was around 6'7.

" Hey he has a- ah!" Tim started telling the man but the man pushed him out of the way.

" Don't push him. Tim." Conner said going to Tim.

" I'm fine." Tim said.

" He can join the event as well. I'm Jake." The man said.

Conner looked at him.

" We'll join."

Conner looked over to Tim.

" Is that so?" Jake said.

" Yea, what exactly is this event anyways?" Tim asked.

" It's a race. Winner gets whatever he wants." Jake said.

" Okay, how do we join?" Tim said.

" You tell me your name and what you want." Jake said.

" Okay, I'm Tim and you'll leave us alone." Tim said.

Conner was still shocked.

" Um, im Conner and I don't want anything." Conner said.

Jake smiled.

" Okay, you two can come here at midnight." Jake said.

He then left.

" This is suspicious." Tim said.

" Are we actually doing this?!" Conner asked.

" Yea, I wanna race that guy." Tim said smiling.

Conner sighed and picked up his skateboard. Tim picked his up and grabbed Conner's hand. 

They both walked the reach of the way back to the Manor.

That night Tim snuck out with Conner. They both headed towards the park. They saw Jake standing there. Conner held Tim's hand tightly as they approached him.

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