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For this month I'll be posting my scary/creepy stories from my drafts

Women in Iran are being harassed and murdered. Please spread the word and bring awareness to this. My heart goes out to all the women who are currently fighting this or who were lost because of this. Please spread the word this is a very important thing.

Tim and Conner were alone in the Manor. They watched scary movies and freaked each other out. They would scare each other but not in the scary way.

As they were watching a movie, Conner heard something fall upstairs.

" Did you hear that?" Conner asked.

" No, what was it?" Tim said getting worried.

" No wait, you're just trying to scare me." Tim said.

Conner got up and looked around.

" Conner stop." Tim said.

Conner walked around and heard the noise again. This time Tim heard it too as it was louder.

" You aren't lying." Tim whispered.

Conner nodded.

" It's probably just the air or something. Jason always leaves his window open." Tim said walking pass Conner and up the stairs.

" Tim wait!" Conner said following quickly.

" Wait for what? There's no one here." Tim said heading to Jason's room.

Conner ran to him and before Tim could open the door Conner grabbed his wrist.

" Stop." Conner said.

Tim looked at him.

" Let go." Tim said calmly.

" No, don't open that damn door." Conner whispered.

" Let go of me. And why?" Tim said pulling on his hand.

Conner kept a steady grip on it.

" Because I hear another heartbeat." Conner whispered.

Tim froze. He slowly looked over to Conner. Conner nodded at him.

Suddenly the door bursted open. Conner grabbed Tim and pulled him with him. Conner ran into a bathroom and locked the door.

" Who the fuck was that?!" Tim whispered yelled.

" I don't know. Do you have your phone?" Conner asked.

Tim shook his head. Conner sighed.

Conner heard footsteps getting closer.

" Hide in the shower." Tim said crawling over to the corner.

Conner went in after him and sat leaning on Tim. Conner heard the footstep get louder to the point they were outside the door.

Conner hear Tim's heartbeat get faster as the handle of the door shook. Conner reached over behind him and touched Tim's head.

The person outside the door didn't give up. They started banging on the door. Conner looked around.

" Tim, trust me." Conner said looking over at him.

Tim stared at him. Then nodded. Conner stood up. He then grabbed Tim's arms and pulled him up.

" What are you doing?!" Tim whispered.

Conner picked him and walked to the door. Tim saw this and immediately tried getting out of his hold.

" What the fuck this isn't funny!" Tim said.

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