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"You can't catch me- I'm the best Tsar in the world!!" A young Armenia trilled loudly, running as fast as he could through the green forest with his crown held over his head with both hands.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!!!" Belarus screamed and sprinting after him, braids falling loose as she leapt into the air with a war cry and tackled him to the ground, both of them scrambling for the crown with limbs flying everywhere, all the wildlife around them running away from the commotion.

"AHA!! I WIN!! Now I'M the Tsaritsa!!" She crowed proudly, holding up the crown high into the air, out of reach of Armenia's little hands. Said crown was fashioned from a tree branch that curled into a half circle and had other smaller branches sticking out from it, making it look a bit like a stag's antlers.

"Then it is time to die, Ms Tsaritsa!" Ukraine cackled as he stepped out from behind a tree, holding a stick like a rifle. "No way! Not when I have my trusty body guard to protect me! My reign will be long!!" Belarus laughed, standing up tall and placing the crown on her head.

"RUSS!! COME PROTECT ME!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, echoing through the forest trees. There was no sudden rustle, no movement that Ukraine or Armenia could see as they looked around frantically.

"Hah! He'll never get here to save you-" Ukraine grinned, stepping forward again. Belarus glanced across their surroundings and took off into a sprint again, shoving Armenia to the ground with a loud yelp as a distraction.

She was as fast as a fawn, jumping and leaping pass protruding roots and rocks with ease while the boys chased after her. A third pair of footsteps joined them, and Belarus glanced behind to see red and blue stripped flag colours belonging to Turkmenistan chasing her as well, slowly catching up.

Azerbaijan suddenly appeared in front of her, making her skid to a stop, arms outstretched as all four of them surrounded her, the crown slipping down slightly from her head.

"You're trapped, Tsaritsa." Ukraine swung his stick in his hand, the rest of their siblings giggling and ready to grab the crown for themselves. Belarus scowled and grabbed the crown, plonking it down right over her head again, unwilling to give up the throne.

Ukraine cackled again but was interrupted by the sound of a branch snapping high above, purplish-pink irises sharp as he looked around.

"Ow!" Azerbaijan yelped and held his head, a small pinecone rolling by his feet. Another one shot down towards Armenia, but he quickly dodged it, quite alarmed by now.

Another branch snapped, and Ukraine's eyes widened as a red and blue blur tackled him out of seemingly nowhere, sending them both crashing to the ground and rolling down the slight incline of a slope, his loud terrified screeches that he'll never admit to ringing loudly through the whole forest.

The rest of their siblings looked up at the alarming screams like wolves on a hunt, immediately converging towards that point from their spread out locations through the forest. It was a beautiful blue summer day, the smell of fresh pine in the air and the pond was just fully thawed, flowers blooming around river banks.

Soviet sipped from a tea cup and read his newspaper calmly on the front porch of the wooden cabin just as two of his children came barreling down the slope screaming like banshees, tumbling into a messy ball of mud and grass blades right besides the edge of the pond.

"RSFSR!!" Ukraine hollered loudly after he pried himself free, shoving his brother off him and scrambling to sit up, wiping the mud off his face.

RSFSR burst out laughing, springing to his feet and looking towards where they rolled from. Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkmenistan were all following along, skidding unsteadily. Belarus hopped down into the clearing, the branch crown still perched proudly over her head.

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