When can we meet again?

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The Russian airport was busy in the winter holiday rush. People wanting to fly to warmer places to spent the cold winter, some were going on vacation, and tourists from all over the world were everywhere.

The counters where all full, with long lines of people waiting to check in. The Russian attendants were working as fast as they could, so it was a steady process.

A couple were walking together side by side out of one of the lines, squeezing by the multitudes of humans. They were obviously different, but by some magic, nobody seemed to notice.

Their faces were already dead giveaways. One of them, shorter than his companion and was wearing glasses, was black, red and gold in order. The other, wearing a ushanka and much taller and buffer, was white, blue and red. But the rest of their bodies looked normal.

The shorter man held his passport and boarding tickets in one hand, and the other dragged along his small carry on suitcase. The taller man was carrying nothing, his hands were stuffed into his jacket pockets and his mouth pulled to a thin frown. They stopped at the huge TV screen showing the planes flying and their boarding times.

"Do you have to go, Germany? You've only been here for 2 weeks..." The taller man said, his voice low and without any emotion. But to his companion, he could hear the soft whine buried deep like a hidden code in a signal, sad and slightly pleadingly.

"And 2 weeks too many, Russland(1). You know I would love to stay with you longer, with all my heart. But my people need me, meine liebe(2)." The other man now known as Germany answered, and he looked up at his lover.

Russia's face was still emotionless to the untrained eye, as he stared up at the big screen the light coming from it illuminated his face, reflecting off his eyes and making them glimmer with the thin coat of salty liquid gathering in his eye sockets.

Germany sighed sadly as well, and leaned his head on his lover's broad shoulder, absorbing the warmth and comfort radiating from it, because he knew it would be sometime before he could be this close to his солнышко(3) again.

"I found your boarding gate. We have 30 more минут(4) before you plane starts boarding. Better not be late." Russia said softly, this time his voice truly without any emotion. He draped his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders, and they started walking together to the gate.

The couple walked as slowly as possible, despite what Russia said before. Neither wanted to be seperated, but still they couldn't just drop everything and continue being with each other, no matter how much their hearts screamed for it. They both had duties, and where one when, the other couldn't follow.

"When can I see you again, моя доpoгая(5)? " Russia murmured, his face pressed onto Germany's head, slightly muffling his speech.

"I don't know, Russland. My ministers seemed quite serious about it. I just hope it can be soon." He answered, slowly dragging his feet along as they approached the security checks.

He went to pull his suitcase up to the conveyor belt, but Russia had already scooped it up and put it on the belt, and waved for him to go through the metal detector's frame. 'At least he has a gate pass. So he can still accompany me to the gate.' Germany thought, raising his arms to let a security guard scan his body one more time for metal objects.

He grabbed all of his things, and went over to met Russia, who's sad thin frown had deepen as the looming gate at the end of the hall could be seen. He tucked his passport and boarding ticket into his pocket snuggly, making sure neither could fall out.

Now with one hand free, he grabbed Russia's hand, and gave it a tight squeeze. Russia looked at him, and Germany tried to give him a reassuring smile. Russia gave him a small smile back in return, but then went back to his sad frown.

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