When It's that Time of the Month

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Requested by : Angelluv1432 , Ravendragon123, Tigerlilyjazz and Moni-ur


I've seen this genderbent version of them before, but NOT with the troubles of being female. I'm hoping this is original y'all XDXD

Oof, 5 day gap between the last chapter. Not too shabby I think. Don't get used to it peps XDXDXD

okie okie, Less talk, more story >3





Another thick fluffy blanket made of soft baby blue wool landed on the couch with a soft plop, on top of the many others already draped on the large couch. "Check."

"Heating pad and bottles?"


"Alright, we're good. Now come here," Russia patted the spot next to her on the couch. Germany slowly walked over, already holding a small heating pad to her stomach, and gratefully sat down, tucking her knees to her chest and holding the pad in place. Russia carefully wrapped the fluffy soft blankets around them, forming a cozy cocoon that they could hide in for the whole day.

The remote control was placed at the armrest, there was food on the table in front of them, including Germany's favorite chocolate and tubs of Russia's vanilla ice cream in a ice cooler. Plenty of water from a water dispenser beside them, and a comfortable seat with each other surrounded by pillows and blankets. The girls were ready to stay here for the entire day.

Germany buried her head into Russia's neck and pressing her face to the long, flowing white hair, breathing deeply as the pain tearing her stomach apart rode out its course. Russia stroked her black, shoulder length hair, pressing her lips to her hairline. "Curse my damn uterus." Germany growled after the pain died down again, reaching out a arm and grabbing a piece of chocolate and stuffing it into her mouth. Russia laughed and gave her a kiss on her nose.

"Hey, yours is pretty mild compared to mine already, and yours only lasts two or three days max." Russia said. Germany grumbled again, but snuggled closer to her girlfriend for the extra warmth, the heat pad pressing down on her stomach was helping, but this was definitely more comfortable and nice.

Russia switched on Netflix on the TV, and started scrolling down the homescreen. In between it she slid her own larger heating pad onto her stomach, starting to feel the muscles there tense up already. She sighed, pulling her lover closer by wrapping her free arm around her shoulder and letting her lean on her chest. "How about we just watch Marvel: Agents of Shield."

Germany huffed teasingly. "Fine, it's boring, but I wanna know what happens to May." Russia grinned, and pulled up the show and played the episode that they left off on. Setting down the remote, she wrapped both arms around Germany, and nuzzled her soft black hair with her nose. The smaller country giggled, and gently swatted at her arm. Russia laughed as well, careful not too loudly or forcefully to not upset her uterus more than she had to.

She pulled at Germany's glasses, causing it to slip down the bridge of her nose. After she had adjusted it, Russia took the entire thing off her face, and kissed her passionately on the lips. Germany opened her mouth to say something when Russia took away her glasses, but was stopped by the kiss. She couldn't see anything anyway, so she closed her eyes and kissed back. Russia took the opportunity of her open mouth to sneak in her tongue, and tickled the inside of her cheek teasingly.

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