Deep Dive Into Who We Are?

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Stiles decided that if they wanted to kill Peter they'd make a show out of it. They hadn't really fed on Gerard properly. They could definitely taste the pain and chaos Gerard had been in but they wished they could have tasted it directly.

So if they wanted to kill him, Peter's death would be more thought out. They decided the best way to get the most pain and chaos from Peter was to gain Peter's trust and even get the werewolf to care about them.

Then when they turned around and killed him, Peter would taste even more delicious!

If the werewolf proved useful before then, they would just hold of on their plans, it was a win, win situation.

Over the next week, everyone thought it was a week anyway, it was hard to tell how much time had passed being trapped in here, they spent most of their time with Peter and Katherine.

They enjoyed Katherine's company, she accepted things for what they were and didn't beat around the bush.

She also enjoyed keeping Stiles secret and so she made sure that Peter had no clue about their actual relations. 

When the boredom got too much for them, Katherine would invite Stiles into her room.

Kai spent most of his time pouring over Marcos's book, despite not being able to understand the language in a desperate hope that they could find some sort of clue out of the prison.

Every day one of them would go to the living room and check in with Kai.



And on it went.

Stiles did prefer it when Kai was focused on the book because when he wasn't he was just a massive real life troll to everyone.

He just enjoyed winding people up which if just directed at Peter Stiles would be fine with, unfortunately it wasn't.

He liked to get under their skin as well as Katherine's. He especially liked to annoy Stiles when they were with Peter because Kai knew that Stiles couldn't do anything because they were pretending to be a normal human.

Mind you Stiles didn't know if they should be considered human any more. Did merging mean they were a full Nogitsune? Or were they half human, half Nogitsune? They didn't know.

They supposed they were full Nogitsune as their instincts still seemed to be the same, they definitely didn't feel human any more.

The merging made things confusing, they knew that the merging felt so right, they felt complete.

Yet who were they really? That was the question.

Katherine had questioned them on it out of curiosity one night and to be honest they were just as confused as her.

They decided the most likely answer was that they had become someone new.

Yes, they were someone new, that felt more right and even familiar?

They were the Nogitsune and they were Stiles.

They were neither at the same time.

They had thoughts that they knew when they'd been human they never would have considered yet they also had thoughts that when they had only been the Nogitsune they would never have thought either.

They found themselves caring for Katherine, not enough to not consider killing her if she became troublesome but enough to feel angry when Kai taunted her and to want to help her when she was in pain because of her hunger.

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)Where stories live. Discover now