Agonising Pain

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Though Stiles had always wondered if they were still considered human but they definitely didn't feel human right now as sneered down at the sniffling assassin.

How could they ever be anything like this trash? Their more predatory instincts were revering their head inside them. They knew that when they had been human they'd been considered prey but the idea of it felt ridiculous now.

Right now they felt incredibly detached from their human memories.

Eager to cause more and more pain and watch the human scream and cry, it was delicious.

It was intoxicating.

Maybe they enjoying this too much? They did find it odd that nothing in them was rejecting this. They had thought that their human memories, their more human nature, their empathy would make them feel hesitancy over what they were doing.

Yet nothing came, in fact the enjoyment of causing this assassin more pain only seemed to increase.

It seemed when they had been fully human they wouldn't have shied away from this either.

From their memories they could see both the full Nogitsune and the fully human Stiles enjoyed having power over others.

The human screamed as they snapped another bone, drawing more pain from them.

Stiles couldn't help but lick their lips as they could actually taste the assassins pain in the air.

It made them feel so energised! Like they could suddenly run a marathon.

They greedily went for more and more until the humans shrieks started to become quieter, their struggle weaker.

Stiles felt like a live wire, the energy buzzing inside them, already aching to be used.

They laughed a little at the exhilaration they were feeling.

The human gave a weak plea "p-please, stop"

His voice so quiet, Stiles wouldn't have heard him without his supernatural hearing.

Stiles chuckled "Now why would we do that?"

The assassin could only let out a moan of agony in his reply as Stiles pressed on his broken arm.

They added "Don't worry your pain will stop soon"

Though they really meant they were finding it hard to see something they could break without instantly killing the human.

They don't think they remembered a time in the full Nogitsune's memories where they had indulged themselves so much on one persons pain for so long.

It felt so good!

Honestly the idea of finding Klaus before Rebecca had completely vanished, why did that matter compared to this?

They studied the assassin who was now in a heap on the floor, his legs broken, as were his arms, fingers, his nose, ribs and a lot of other essential bones that he would need to use.

They let out a disappointed sigh, anything else they could break would likely kill them, if not from the injury, the shock probably.

The human was also likely die due to blood loss soon either way.

The heart was already slowing and Stiles could see he was loosing consciousness.

The hybrid let out a huff of annoyance as they dug their fingers into the wrist, drawing out as much pain as they could before the assassin fell unconscious.

The power flooding through them felt amazing. They tried to recall if they'd ever taken this much pain in one go before.

As a full Nogitsune they recalled letting their hunger get the best of them and killing their victims too soon.

Dragging every drop of pain out was definitely the way to go.

Though Stiles couldn't tell, they assumed whatever they had gotten from fully human Stiles was likely making it easier for them to control themselves so they hadn't killed the assassin too soon.

Stiles let out a huff of annoyance as the pain suddenly stopped after the assassin had fallen unconscious, his heart slowing to a stop.

He was-

Stiles didn't finish his thoughts as a strange feeling suddenly rushed through his body, what was this?!

A strange warm tingling sensation, Stiles realised with shock that it was the same feeling that the strange spell had made everyone feel.

The strange tingling died down but the warmth that came with it didn't, increasing in temperature, making them feel very hot.

They won't admit they did panic right then, thinking about the spell. The trigger must be killing someone but then what? Then what happens? They thought of perhaps their life force being taken from them.

But instead of feeling weaker they started to feel...stronger?

Their eyes that were glowing silver seemed to brighten in colour and their energy sky rockets.

They look down at the dead assassin, eyes narrowing slightly as they thought about what this could mean.

Slowly a dark hungry smile spread across their face.

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