Inward Struggle

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"His useful in case we get hungry I suppose but I'm more interested in how a vampire has witch powers" She said cooly.

Kai sniggered "Long story"

Stiles frowned then quickly said "You said we're trapped?"

"Yes. I can sense extremely powerful magic around this place, it's keeping us here. More powerful than the two of us combined" He replied.

The three of us.

Stiles shivered as he heard his voice in his head.

The three of us combined.

I had thought that maybe it had left me Stiles thought sadly, though that wasn't the case. He hadn't felt it when he'd woken up but he could now. The Nogitsune's hold over his mind, slithering in and out of his body, trying to corrupt him, change him, control him. It was weaker but it could talk to him in his head, and he knew it would only get stronger from here on out. He wondered how long he could hold the fox of.

Let them think we're weak, let them think we're human, let them think we're safe.

I am weak, I am only human Stiles snapped back inside his head.

Not any more

He didn't respond to that.

Katherine frowned at both of the guys in the room. One of them looking like he was daydreaming, the other was way to cheerful for her own liking. She walked through where the door had been into a corridor and she went to the door at the entrance and opened it, surprised that it opened so eas-

She withheld a gasp.

Black Mist surrounded the outside, she could not see anything, it was all around the mansion. Katherine warily put her hand out but then pure pain wracked her body and she coughed, started to cough up black blood.

It-it was killing her!

"What are you- get away from there!" She heard the human gasp from behind, having caught up with her, with surprising strength he pulled her away from the mist, slamming the door shut.

"What?!" She gasped "What was that!"

"Black mist that kills?" Stiles said blinking with confusion.

"No, a prison to keep people like us inside" Kai said, appearing from behind them, looking troubled.

"Not sure what the fuck the human did to end up here but witches use this stuff to imprison real evil. Guess we fit that description" He added.

Stiles winced a little but did not say anything.

"How can you be so calm about this! I'm going to be stuck here with the likes of you I'd rather die" The vampire growled.

Kai smirked, holding his hand out in the direction of the mist that almost killed her "Really? Go ahead then"

She didn't do anything.

Kai rolled his eyes and walked away, calling over his shoulder

"So we going to explore this place we'll be spending forever in or what?!" Katherine glared after him but followed after him all the same.

Stiles following behind. He was honestly surprised they both hadn't tried to kill him yet.

They walked into what looked like a Kitchen.

It looked new, clean and modern.

All of them blinked, eyes wide.

Their was food laid out for them but it made Katherine and Kai scowl, both of them not impressed by human food.

She thought the human would be pleased with it but in fact Stiles gave the food a wary look and didn't attempt to eat anything or go closer to it.

Talking of food Katherine was rather hungry.

She wondered if Stiles was their to possibly be their food source for a bit.

He just looked so...harmless and helpless to be imprisoned with them.

Kai seemed to be thinking the same thing as he asked the human casually "So, you think you're meant to be our food? One of the only reason's I can see you being here"

Katherine watched with a predatory grin as Stiles paled quickly at that.

Though she was surprised to smell no fear from him only...anger?

Stiles gritted his teeth at what Kai had said, a wave of rage swarmed him but it wasn't from him.

We were not alive to be anyone's food, how dare that-!

What was that about wanting to pretend to be human? Stiles reminded the furious fox inside him, making his heartbeat increase and his muscles tense along with the fox's emotion.

He knew if it had been any closer to controlling him, his eyes would have flashed a different color.

Stiles stiffened even more as suddenly images ran through his mind. Images of Kai, on the ground, begging for mercy, screaming in pain.

It was like he was imagining it now but it wasn't from his own imagination. His mind overwhelmed with the Nogitsune imaging how it would be like to tear Kai apart.

But then just for a couple of seconds when Stiles hadn't processed what was happening yet.

He-he wanted...the same thing?

Stiles could feel the fox's blood lust but he could also feel his own?

That's it Stiles, we really are just one.

"Shut up!" Stiles snapped.

His eyes widened, oh shit as Kai and Katherine who has been looking at him hungrily but both did a double take.

He had said that out loud didn't he?

"Oh great, we have a crazy one" She sighed.

Did she really want to drink from an insane person?

I had two hours free due to arriving at my retail job very early so I ended up posting this 😅 My updates until I planned all my stories that I said I would be focusing on, will be a bit random so usually it won't be this quick ha, but anyway here you go, I guess it can be a I'm sorry that I took so long to do this story, chapter, I hope you enjoy! 😊

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)Where stories live. Discover now