The Prison Is Becoming Full

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Now and again there would be humans appearing out of nowhere, their hands and legs tied up. Stiles assumed that the humans tied up where just there to be food for the vampires.

They had wondered why the vampire and the hybrid were provided for, wouldn't it be better to let them starve?

However Katherine brought up a good point when they asked her about it. The prisoners were likely somebodies entertainment and it wouldn't be that fun for the vampires to starve and be killed by their new inmates quickly.

Stiles wondered who was responsible for this? Was it whoever their former selves had wanted to get revenge on?

Apart from the accessional arguments it had been relatively peaceful, which was dull.

They supposed they shouldn't have expected the peace to last.

They also thought that while they had wanted some pain and chaos to start up again, perhaps they hadn't meant it like this?

A gun was being pointed directly at their head.

Katherine and Kai were on the floor, unconscious. A strange mist floating on the floor, they supposed that the mist was likely coated with vervain.

It of course didn't effect them however it also didn't effect a certain someone, who was sitting on the ground, healing from a gun shot to the leg.


Stiles wishes the werewolf was unconscious so they could focus on the person in front of them, the assassin.

They didn't want to reveal themselves but...if they had no choice?

Everyone had been caught of guard, they'd all been in the living room, Kai obsessing over the book, Stiles chatting to Peter, who had become a lot more relaxed while Katherine had been mocking Kai for paying so much attention to the book, that she now believed to be worthless, not that he seemed to care any more and was just ignoring her.

Then the gas had appeared out of no where.

Peter was shot, Stiles had stepped in front and they were now facing this situation.

"Get out of the way" The human who had the gun pointed at Stiles head snapped "The only ones we have to kill is the supernaturals"

Unfortunately for you we are supernatural Stiles thought.

"Stiles..." Peter said, shocked that in his eyes Stiles was risking his life for him.

Well I suppose this helps with Peter's trust of us Stiles thought yet it wouldn't help if they had to reveal what they'd need hiding from him soon after.

"I said move!" The human repeated.

Stiles could smell the wolves bane in the gun from here. If they didn't know any better they'd say that this human was a Hunter yet they weren't dressed like a hunter and in fact, they looked a little familiar?

They tried to look through their previous memories but they drew a blank, it just wasn't coming to them.

Stiles made sure he was looking afraid as ge said, making his voice tremble "L-look, I don't get what's going on here but i-if you want to kill him, you'll have to kill me! W-why are doing this anyway?!"

They prodded for information, hoping something would jog a memory of whoever this person was. They clearly didn't know this human very well in their previous memories but for him to be familiar they had to have met somehow? Yet this human didn't recognise them either?

It must have been a really short interaction.

However thankfully what the human said next made memories bounce into their mind with ease.

They didn't really know him personally but they understood what was going on and why he seemed familiar.

"His name was on the list!" The human snapped.

Memories from their full human life, surged to the surface.

The benefactor.


Peter Hale.

Wait...did this mean as Peter had accidentally created that list, that he had wanted to kill himself? Stiles supposed it made sense with all the pain Peter must have been in during the fire.

Another thing caught their attention.

"You said we, the only ones we have to kill are the supernaturals? Who's we? Are there more of you here?"

The assassin stiffened a little at Stiles firmer and less fearful tone.

Stiles cursed in their head, well it looks like they had to reveal themselves to Peter, so much for their plan. They had wanted to reveal themselves in a cool dramatic, possibly scary, if they decided to kill Peter that is, way

This was no fun.

Well if there was more assassins and it looked like their was from this one's body language, at least they could have some different fun.

When the assassin didn't speak Stiles let out a sigh, this was so annoying, why did their plans get ruined?

"I think you misunderstood some things" They said in a far calmer voice.

The assassin tensed up even more, his finger hovering over the trigger.

"Yeah? Like what?" The assassin snapped aggressively.


In that exact moment the assassin fell to the floor, limp.

At first Stiles thought Kai and Katherine had somehow gained unconscious but then instead they were staring at two people they at first didn't recognise.

It was a man and a women, the women had been the one too snap the assassins neck.


Memories slammed into them but they weren't from Stiles human life, they were from the Nogitsune's previos life.

They remembered meeting them, being intrigued yet fearful of them.

Thankfully the vampires didn't recognise them. Which made sense, not only did they have a different body but they weren't the same person these vampires had interacted with in the past so they were able to hide the fact they'd recognised them with ease.

"Who are you?" They snapped.

The vampires smiled confidently and arrogantly though Stiles thought they did indeed have every right to be arrogant and the original hybrid stepped forward "How rude of me not to introduce myself, I'm Klaus and this is my darling sister Rebecca"

I don't have time to comment on the previos chapter as I am only a couple of mins away from starting work when I published this chapter but I'll go back and reply to the comments on my previos chapter later on today as well as read the stories that were recommended to me, thank you so much for that! 😊 Hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think? X

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