The Reveal and Red Flags

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Kai honestly had no idea what had just happened, ever since he had ran into Katherine and Stiles he had been getting this anxiety he couldn't get rid of, this unease that just wouldn't go away.

Then at one point, the air suddenly felt heavy and he couldn't breath, it almost felt suffocating but then the feeling was gone, just like that.

Now anyone else would have no idea what to do, now fortunately for Kai, he was a powerful sorcerer so he did what he only could do. 

He locked himself in the basement of the building and started to chant a spell, calling upon his own powers.

Kai knew that he needed to find out what was going on, something deep and primal told him, his life may depend on it. 

The spell was a simple one, it revealed the truth of something he did not understand. He hoped it would reveal what that strange feeling had been or maybe what was going on with Katherine and Stiles.

The problem with this spell was that he couldn't direct it. It tended to a be a little random, that's why he didn't use it much.

It could either reveal something huge or something so small that he did not care about.

It could be something like, did you know? Your life has been a lie!

Or it could be something as stupid as, did you know! That person over there uses banana toothpaste! Yes that did happen once and yes it had been very strange! 

So he was just hoped he had good luck this time. 

Invisible wind ruffled his hair as he felt warmth run through his veins, the feeling of his magic was always welcoming. 

The wind died down as he stopped chanting and he crossed his fingers as he opened his eyes to see whatever truth the spell decided to reveal to him.

He was unlucky in the fact it was not to do with Stiles or Katherine or the strange suffocating feeling in the air that had just happened.

He was however lucky that it revealed something else that made him tense up in surprise and mutter "No way" Under his breath. 

But then it made so much sense!

In front of him was a smoky image of their mansion and the dangerous mist surrounding it which wasn't what took Kai's breath away because next to their mansion within their thick mist appeared another mansion then another and another and another and...on it went.

If they had been put here because they were evil beings that could be a big threat, a place where the year of their capture, where time didn't seem to matter much,

Then of course! Of course it makes so much sense! They couldn't be the only ones!

There were more prisons, more villains trapped inside.

This was all so much bigger than he expected.

"Hey Kai? Why have you locked yourself in here? It's a bit strange we have to say"

Stiles voice came from outside the door and the spell evaporated as Kai got distracted. 

The handle jiggled and Kai went to open it but then...he hesitated, remembering his unease from before. 

Stiles tone was friendly but...but something about it still felt wrong

"I'm just wrapping up a spell, I didn't want any interruptions, give me a couple of minutes" Kai replied giving himself some time.

Some time to figure out why his mind was screaming at him red flags! Run away, now!

Also something else had struck him as odd, couldn't Stiles just break the lock on the door? The fox would just come in if they felt like it, so why were they waiting behind the door?

"Did you feel that odd feeling from earlier? Like you couldn't breathe?" Kai asked slowly.

The handle stopped jiggling then Kai heard another voice, Katherine's as she replied "No, nothing"

"Yeah, not sure what your talking about there" Stiles also said.

They...hadn't felt that earlier?

Red flag, red flag, red flag!

All he could think was, why were they lying to him?

He had thought they were in this together but his instincts hadn't been wrong before. 

They were telling him, whatever he did, do. not. open. that. door!

He felt trapped.

There was no way out. 

Usually he wouldn't be scared of them at all, but his instincts were telling him other wise and they both had seemed strange as well the last time he had seen them.

He suddenly thought of a way and with his anxiety growing he cast a spell. It was an illusion, to make the eyes of the beholder look past him, to them he would be invisible.

Once they were out of the way of the door way he would slide through, that was the plan. So he waited.

Nerves building.

Finally he heard Stiles mutter a swear word impatiently then the sound of the lock breaking.

The door swung open and Stiles walked through first.

Kai blinked a couple of times at the sight of them, was it his imagination or were they taller than before and well broader? He swore their clothes hadn't been that tight on them before hand, was he just imagining things?

They both looked physically stronger somehow.

"I swear he was in here?" Katherine sighed, she stood in the door way not knowing she was blocking Kai's way out.

For a moment Kai thought Stiles stared straight at him but thankfully his eyes then wondered past him.

He knew if he had been human his heart would be pounding.

I'm so close he thought as he slowly walked closer to Katherine. 

There was a small gap, could he slide through without her noticing?

"Oh he's here alright" Stiles said, staring at back of the basement. 

He was nearly there!

Kai tried to block out what Stiles was saying, as long as they didn't know exactly where they were then...

"You know, I do praise the effort but you really shouldn't try and outfox a fox Kai"

Kai's dream of getting away shattered.

Because Stiles voice...

Was right next to his ear.

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)Where stories live. Discover now