I left Sky and Auris alone in the playroom to finish their session, having given Sky more than enough ideas for how to sweetly dominate Auris. They were so engaged in the edging session Sky was leading the dragon through that neither seemed to notice as I slowly backed myself out of the room.
I felt Basalt nudge at my mind, I let him in for a moment before I left, “Wake up at two hours past midnight tonight, we have a job to do.” I shared with him in my little mind room. I had expanded the experience, getting better with the process. Basalt and I had visual forms now, I looked like I used to here, auburn curls bouncing around my normal face with green eyes. Basalt as man looked very much like Auris, but white blonde hair and pale skin where Auris had inky black locks and gorgeous sun kissed skin. The pale skin did allow shadows to cast harsher lines along his body, highlighting that while he looked willowy while dressed, he was like a bow string. Tight and tense with strength.
The vain dragon was of course happily admiring his form. In the mirrors of the simple sitting room I had created for us. “Of course,” he answered in the deep sonorous voice that was basalt. I loved how it vibrated through my bones. Even his voice touched and affected my body. “How did you choose this form for me?” He asked as he looked in the dainty gilt mirror, over the fireplace.
“I didn’t, you did when I let you in.” I answered. He looked away from the mirror now, and deeply studied how I appeared here. He prowled across the room to wards me, circling me with a curious eye head to toe and all around.
“Is this how you wish to look?” He asked, gently moving a finger through the curls, watching as they twirled and coiled around his finger and each other. The shine of gold, copper, mocca all showing as the light hit the curls from different angles.
“This was me before my magic awakened. How Delia, first met me.” I answered. Immediately knowing I hadn’t answered his question, before the pain could grow, “Yes. This is what I want to look like.” I said. Hoping he wouldn’t ask the next question, but desperately hoping he would too. He was the only one of my mates with enough maturity to accept everything I was going to do.
I needed one of my mates to know everything too. I had too much to do, and I couldn’t do any of it alone. I knew their hearts, all of them. Basalt was like his name, strong and solid, as well as ancient and wise. Here, in a place I had built in my mind was the only place I could truly be myself until it was done. I hated it.
I revealed all of the secrets, all of the things I had learned during the uncountable years I spent with my father. Basalt was everything I needed as he held me in his arms, without Auris, as I revealed all that I knew was to come. My dragon knight swore it would be his duty to help me guard my secrets and do all he could to assist. Starting of course with our mission tonight. In turn, for my honesty, my trust and my love. Basalt shared with me all he knew of the dragon council, what he had learned about their dragons. Most importantly he told me the history of the council that most of Fae had been made to forget, as the Dragon Council gained more and more consolidated power with each generation.
Until sometime during his seclusion, the Dragon Council became the real power in Fae. Titania had already been reduced to little more than a puppet queen before her final demise on the pointy end of a sword. Even after the lengthy amount of time I had been given to process that night, technically only last night. I still felt such guilt that I couldn’t save her. I hadn’t been ready. I had never seen a real battle before. Never seen anyone be murdered before all chaos fell into my lap.
I had needed it, I had needed to see real evil to break the last shell of the naive girl I had been. I was going to kill people. People would die for me. There was no way around it. My duty was to do my best to ensure as few souls are lost along the way. I bid Basalt good bye as I pulled myself together to get back to the tasks at hand.

FantasyLaurel is lonely. Things haven't been easy since she was forced to swiftly change jobs and move to a whole new city and start her life over. She is struggling to make new friends and feels like her old friends and even her mother are pulling away fr...