Chapter 18- Battle Wounds

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𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝔀𝓸: 𝓢𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓼


As I lay on Rapunzel's bedspread, I feel worry swelling up inside me. I look at my sister as she packs a trunk with several different outfits. "Do you have to go?" I ask. After the battle of Old Corona, Rapunzel decided to follow the black rocks to find a way to stop them from destroying the kingdom. I still didn't like the idea of my sister running off to who-knows-where on a dangerous quest without me.

Rapunzel gives me a small smile. "I have to find out where those rocks go, (Yn). This may be my only chance to find my destiny and a way to stop these black rocks for good."

"I's just...what if you get hurt?" I hug my knees close to my chest. "How will I know that you're okay?"

My sister sits on the bed beside me. "How about this: Every week, I'll write you a letter. Then it'll be sent to you, and you'll know that I'm safe and sound."

I slowly nod. I didn't feel entirely satisfied, but I suppose it's better than nothing. I hug Rapunzel. "Please be safe and make sure everyone gets home, okay?"

She nods and hugs me back. "I promise."

An idea suddenly comes to me. "Raps? Can I ask you one more favor?"

"What is it?"

"Do you think you could try and find a cure for Varian's father?" The thought of Varian makes me feel queasy. I couldn't tell if I was mad at him, scared of him, or just sad. The only thing I was sure of is that I miss him.

Rapunzel must've been able to tell how upset I was because she spoke up. "Still thinking about Varian?"

I nod.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I look into my sister's emerald green eyes. "I-I just miss him. I miss him so much..." my throat begins to feel dry. "I know I should be mad at him for what he's done, b-but at this point I just want my friend back. I wish things were the way they used to be, before that snowstorm."

Rapunzel sighs. "Well, if life has taught me anything, it's that nothing worth having ever comes easy." She gently wraps her arm around my shoulder. "I know how close you and Varian are, and I know that this incident has put a serious strain on your friendship. How do you know that he hasn't changed for good?"

I tightly clutched the hem of my skirt. "He saved my life during the battle. He could've let me get killed by the black rocks...but he didn't. That's why his automaton got destroyed. He risked his entire plan for me- his enemy." I repeat the words that had been nagging my brain since that night.

"I had no idea."

We sit in silence for a few moments before Rapunzel speaks up again. "Well, I think that's a pretty good sign."

"Sign of what?"

"That there's still good in him after all.

I feel my stomach roll into knots. "How do I know if I'll ever be able to trust him again?"

"You never really know if you can trust anyone. I trusted the woman I thought was my mother for eighteen years, and she turned out to not be the person I thought she was. But, I also trusted a thief." Rapunzel smiles thoughtfully. "And it turned out that that thief became the love of my life."

"Gross." I tease, gently elbowing my sister.

Rapunzel chuckles. "My point is, if you don't trust anyone, then you can never get hurt. But, if you open up your heart to people," She gently takes hold of my hands. "You could be opening yourself up to life's greatest gifts."

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