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Ashton was lying at home, hand over him growing stomach. He was hungry, but way too lazy to get up. Ashton has become increasingly lazy since his stomach actually started to show, and he constantly just laid on the couch for hours. He felt like those people in Wall-E.

His boyfriend, the one that got him pregnant, Luke was away on tour. To Ashton he always seemed away. The only people to help Ashton through his pregnancy were his two best friends, Calum and Michael. Michael was going through the same thing as Ashton, they both got knocked up around the same time, and they were hoping their babies would be born close to the same time so their babies would be best friends.

Having babies seemed so surreal to Ashton. Luke and him have never really talked about marriage or family, even though they have been dating for over five years and live together and love each other very much. That made Ashton a bit upset, but pushed those thoughts aside knowing it was his hormones making those crazy thoughts up. Ashton had to take all these pills and vitamins for his body or something, and to of course help the baby. That seemed even more surreal.

Ashton remembers the day he found out. He had been feeling terribly sick the past few days. Luke didn't even know it was possible for guys to get pregnant. Ashton did, but never thought it would ever happen. They used protection, Luke thinking for STD's, Ashton for pregnancy. Anyways, Luke took Ashton to the hospital, and they revealed Ashton was two weeks pregnant.  Luke was shocked, and apologized to Ashton about a thousand times. He didn't understand why, maybe Luke thought Ashton would abort the baby or something, which Ashton would never do.

So, Ashton was sitting on their huge couch, watching some TV show, contemplating life. Finally, he gets up with a small huff. His belly was barely even showing, but he felt like it was two times bigger. Ashton goes over to the stove, boiling some water for tea. He hated tea, but ever since the pregnancy, he has preferred it more than coffee, which wasn't normal. Ashton looks at the calender, he sees Luke's scribble of handwriting: Back from tour X. Only three more weeks till Ashton sees his beautiful boyfriend. Another important date written in Ashton's blocky lettering: Ultrasound. Is my baby a girl or a boy (Circle) Ashton smiles, tomorrow. He didn't really have a preference, a small voice in the back of his head hoped it would be a little boy, but he wouldn't care ether way.

Soon the tea was ready, and Ashton takes a sip, sighing. He missed Luke, like alot. He hoped Luke would be there for the baby. He wasn't there for the first ultrasound, and he won't be there for the second. That wasn't what bothered Luke though, he just missed him.

It was late at night. Ashton's appointment was at noon tomorrow. He figured he should go to bed. Ashton goes to his half empty room, throwing on some random pajama pants, and takes off his glasses. He goes into bed, hearing the sound of crickets chirping. Finally his eyes close, he hears a door shut, Ashton pretends to be fast asleep.

"Ashton?" He hears a whispered voice say. Ashton hears a bag drop and lips pressed to his forehead. Ashton opens his eyes, to see a blurry Luke. "Hey babe." Ashton tugs Luke down to bed, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"W-What are you-" YAWN. "-doing here. Y-You weren't supposed to come back for another-"

"Does it matter, Ash? I'm here, aren't I? For you and our little one. Do you know the gender yet?" Luke says, putting a hand to Ashton's stomach.

"Tomorrow." Ashton says sleepily.

"Guess I came back right on time then." Luke pushes his lips onto Ashton. Ashton missed and craved the taste of his boyfriend.

"Mm. I tired." Luke lets out a whine, but nods, tucking Ashton back into bed.

He didn't want to tell Ashton about what he had in his bag, or why he was really back. Sure, it was because Ashton was pregnant, and he really didn't want to miss it.

Luke had the best fanbase ever. There was never any hate on anything, Luke made sure. He was always checking up on all of them. Whatever that meant; responding to tweets or DMs or making cute little videos. His fanbase loved Ashton extremely. Ever since the beginning of Luke's career when they got together, the fans thought they were the cutest thing. Especially since he made Luke the outgoing cutie all the girls loved. They were even named cutest couple back in high school and by fans and by many magazines.

Soon after Luke found out the news about his Ash, he told the fans, of course with Ashton permission. The media was all over it. The fans thought it was adorable and have been suggesting baby names ever since. Alot of them also asked when they were getting married, the real reason Luke came back. He wanted them to be a proper family. Sure it wouldn't really 'proper.' Luke is going to leave in a month once again, and be away for who knows how long. Three to five months he was told. Luke was a huge international popstar, he was barely ever really 'home.'

In the morning, Ashton was happy to wake up to his boyfriend's scruffy face and lip ring. He was cuddled into his side, legs intertwined. He looks to the clock, it was only 8 AM. He didn't feel sick, which was good because he didn't want to get up.

Luke's baby blue eyes soon open. He smiles. Luke couldn't wait until he could call Ashton his husband. He had a court date scheduled and everything. There was no doubt Ashton would say no. He is carrying Luke's baby after all. Luke wanted to ask him over breakfast, get it over.

When breakfast came, Luke got nervous. Ashton made coffee for Luke and tea for himself. Luke had tried to at least make some toast, but Ashton wanted to make breakfast for his husband-boyfriend. He sets down the toast and eggs in front of Luke.

Once they were done, Luke realized it was his time. Now or never.

"Ash," Ashton looks at him. Luke lowers himself out of his seat and down to one knee right near Ashton. "uh... I'm not good at words. Somehow I can sing in front of millions of people, but barely talk to you. Ashton, I've known you since the start of high school. The classic cliche of the two band geeks falling in love. I fell in love with you after two weeks of knowing you. Didn't tell you of course till, three years later. 

Michael told me he had heard gossip that you were going to come out, you had already told me you were gay, but you were out publicly. I came out the same day. Do you remember that? It was during band, you were sitting behind your drum and I was sitting in the corner with my oboe. I always used to see you staring at me during band practice. Michael thought it was such a weird thing... that I liked the staring. Now, I know I've told you this so many time. I tell you every time I want to say a meaningful 'I love you.' But this isn't just some speech you've heard about a thousand time just to say 'I love you.' This is for me asking your hand in marriage. I know this is sudden and the scenery isn't romantic and we aren't at Disney World with amazing fireworks, but I-I came back to ask you... Will you marry me, Ash?" Ashton had tears welling up in his eyes.

"Why would I say no?" Luke smiles. "Of course, and I think this was super romantic, Luke." Luke rolls in his eyes, kissing the crying boy, slipping the plain sliver band on Ashton's finger.

"I set up a court date for Thursday, hope that's okay." Ashton looks at Luke.

"T-That's so soon." Luke nods.

"I-I sorry we can't have a big wedding, but I just wanna be married to you before I have to go again, or the baby is born. Maybe we can't have a party or-" Ashton cuts Luke off with a kiss.

"S'fine babe. Don't worry. I wouldn't want a big wedding anyway, too many chances of fans crashing it."

"Mm. I agree."

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