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Today was the day. Twenty One weeks into Ashton's pregnancy and today Luke was once again leaving Ashton for tour.

"Are you sure you can't come... I want you to come." Ashton sadly shakes his head, the tears already falling. Standing in the airport for the however many times. All of them were the same, expect this one. This one, Ashton and Luke were married, and Ashton was only about 11 weeks till he would give birth. The possibly that Luke wouldn't be there for Evan's birth was more likely than him being there.

"I-I can't Luke." Luke looks down at his feet.

"I don't wanna leave my pregnant husband alone." Luke says quietly.

"Then don't..." Ashton says. "If you wanna stay here, stay here."

"I can't just do that, Ash. I have to go, it's my job." He says, kissing Ashton's cheek.

"What ever happened to, 'they can give me more time. The fans will understand.'" Luke's eyes start to water.

"Do you not understand... I have to go at some point or another, and I would rather leave on a somewhat happy note. So please, let's not fight." Ashton sighs, kissing Luke's lips.

"Alright. How long will it be again?" Ashton sobs out.

"Depends. I hope to be here when you're in labor, but-" Ashton nods. "-I'm supposed to be on tour for about three to five months." Ashton holds in a breath. He didn't understand why it was so hard this time, Luke has been gone for ten months before.


"My flight." Ashton nods, pulling Luke into a tight hug, kissing him like there is no tomorrow.

"Please call, and take photos, and-" Luke interrupts him with a kiss.

"I gotta go. I love you." Ashton kisses Luke one last time.

"Love you too." And like that, Luke was gone. Ashton watches the plane take off. His husband was gone. Ashton gets into the car and goes to one of the only places where he always feels comfort; Michael and Calum's house.

He drives up and knocks on there door, it soon opens to Calum, and Ashton throws his arms around Calum's neck and cries into his shoulder. Calum stumbles a bit but puts his arms around Ashton, trying to calm him. Calum didn't realize Luke was leaving so soon.

"Hey! Get your hands off my man!" Michael says, trying to be funny.

"Not now, Sweet. Ashton's upset." Seeing Ashton cry was not a pretty sight. No one wanted to see the happiest boy on Earth cry.

"H-He left Cal... I-I want him back, I want this baby to be born so I can see him again." Calum tries to shush him, but it doesn't work the way he planned. "He said himself he probably won't even be here when little Evan comes into this world. Asshole."

"You don't mean that, you love Luke." Ashton starts to cry even harder.

"Don't say his name, it makes it harder." Ashton whines.


Later, Ashton finally calms down enough to drive. He wanted to stop at his mother's to catch up. He talked to her almost every day but hasn't seen her in about a month.

Ashton pulls up to the house, his mom opens the door, immediately pulling him into a hug.

"Look at you! Your stomach is huge! Are you excited? I can't wait to have a grandson to spoil." Ashton laughs.

"Yeah, I'm excited. Evan has been kicking like crazy." Mama Irwin nods.

"Well, that's what babies to in your belly. How's Luke?" Ashton shrugs.

"He is on his way to Tokyo right now." His mother frowns, pulling Ashton into another hug.

"ASHTON!" Lauren screams, running down the stairs.

"Hey Lar. How have you been? How's school? Still on Honor Roll?" Lauren stares at her brother's big stomach, she knew the news but still couldn't believe it.

"Everything's fine, big brother." Ashton ruffles her hair.

"Where is your brother?" Lauren points upstairs. Ashton kisses her, and makes his way upstairs.

He finds his brother, Harry in his room, throwing a ball up and down. He soon notices me, and runs over to me, giving me a hug.

"You need to visit more often, Ashton. I miss you." Ashton ruffles his hair.

"I'll try bud. You should come over, my house is much cooler than here." Ashton jokes, Harry nods.

"Probably is. Anywhere you are is cool." Ashton's heart melts. Harry and Ashton have always been close. Harry looked up to his big brother.

"Thanks." Ashton sits on next to Harry on the bed.

"When is your baby coming?" He was surprised Harry knew. I mean Ashton told him, but you know...

"3 months. Maybe before, maybe after." Harry nods.

"BOYS COME DOWN FOR DINNER!" Harry runs out of the room. Ashton walks behind him, sitting at the table next to Harry and Lauren.

"I saw the interview with you and Luke." Lauren said.

"Me too!" Says Harry, with a mouth already filled with pasta.

"I still don't understand how a cute guy like Luke is gay... for you." Ashton rolls his eyes, remembering the time they first kissed.


"C'mon Ash. I know you can do it. Just focus." Ashton had been trying all day to get this song for band right. He couldn't get the melody and his band teacher yelled at him.

"It's not that easy, Luke. My mom is forcing me to get good grades, and Mrs. Norris keeps telling me if I don't get this song down, I'll be kicked out of band. I can't let that happen, the drums are my life, Luke."  Ashton says, bringing his legs up to his face.

"Listen, Mrs. Norris won't kick you out of band, you are the best percussionist in band. Everyone knows it. She won't kick you out." Ashton sighs trying to believe Luke's words.

"I hope your right." Ashton takes his drumstick, twiddling them between his fingers. Luke watches in awe.

"I am right. I am always right. Now practice, drum boy."

Ashton looks at his music and starts to play the god awful song. Ashton followed his notes, and Luke played along on his oboe. Ashton smiles at the end. He did it!

"Thank you Luke. You are the best friend a guy could have."  Ashton says, embracing Luke in a hug. In reality, Ashton had huge feelings for Luke. He was the shy guy that could play oboe, kinda well. It hurt Ashton to friend zone Luke, but what else is there to do. Luke didn't know how he felt about Ashton. He wasn't really gay, but Ashton was adorable, Luke could at least admit that.

"Mm. It's really not a problem." Ashton stares at Luke, zoning out. He was lost in Luke's baby blue eyes. God, did he have beautiful eyes. Ashton didn't realize he was leaning in. Maybe he was lost in the moment, adults always used that expression.

"Ashton, what are you-"  Ashton's lips meet Luke's. They tasted so good to Ashton. He wanted to that for weeks and weeks now. He would always stare at Ashton, and wish he could kiss him.

All good things must come to an end. Ashton thought as Luke pushes Ashton off him. "-I'm not gay, Ash! Did you think I was-am?"

"I-I... Luke don't hate me. If my dad knows I'm gay, he'll-"  Ashton's dad used to hurt him, he didn't want to be hurt anymore.

"Why would I? I never said I didn't like it." Luke smirks. Ashton quietly giggles.

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