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Ashton had to soon leave for home. He was a little upset because he would be going home to an empty house. His mother offered for him to stay with her, but Ashton didn't want to be a hassle. He said that he might take up the opportunity when that baby's due date is closer so he won't be alone when he needs to go to the hospital. He didn't want to be alone when his water breaks, he wanted to be with Luke, but that probably won't happen so...

Ashton gets home quickly. He changes out of his clothes into one of Luke's worn out sweatpants that Ashton still fit into, and he lies down. The sheets and pillows still smelt like Luke, which made Ashton upset. That night was full of limited sleep thanks to little football player Evan kicking his stomach.

Ashton couldn't wait for the pregnancy to be over, so that all the baby kickings, mood swings, growth of his stomach that was always weighing him down. and the weird cravings would stop. He couldn't wait to be able to actually get sleep. He only had about a month more of pregnancy and Ashton couldn't wait. 

Michael and Calum were doing fine. It was a little hard since Calum had to take off of his work as a music teacher to be with Michael, and yet he still had to do work. Plus, Michael was super needy, and was constantly snapping at Calum for the littlest things. But, Calum, being the good husband he was over looked that so he could make Michael happy. He constantly wanted to say to Michael, "do it yourself. Your pregnant not disabled." But Calum didn't want to pick a fight so he let it all slide, since it would all be over soon, and they would have a little girl in their arms.

Ashton hasn't gone to see Michael and Calum in forever. It's not like he was busy, he just didn't really have time because anytime the baby wasn't kicking, Ashton was found sleeping. Ashton's mom, who he was living with for the time being, worried about him, because anytime Ashton was awake, he was quite sad. She knew it was because of Luke not being there. He hadn't even called. Ashton couldn't hate him, but he would have at least appreciated a, "Hey I got here safely. No need to worry. Love you." That call never came.

"Ash, are you okay?" Lauren asks him one day after school. The tv was on and Ashton was sitting on the couch, feeling Evan kick.

"No. M'sleepy, and this fucking baby won't stop his fucking kicking." Lauren barely ever heard her brother curse. "Sorry Lar. I'm haven't gotten sleep-" YAWN "-in, like, forever."

"It's fine. I understand." She says, going and sitting next to him, cuddling into his side. Ashton lets his eyes droop slightly before the baby kicks again. Ashton mumbles something incoherent under his breath.

"It's no excuse really. I shouldn't curse in front of you." Lauren nods. Suddenly Ashton's phone rings, it was Calum. Ashton picks up.

"Fuck- Ash- Michael's water broke and we're at the hospital-Please come and fucking calm us-me down." Ashton holds in a breath.

"Alright imma coming, Cal." Ashton gets up.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asks as Ashton grabs his car keys.

"Michael's in labor. I'm going to the hospital. Could you tell mum for me." Lauren nods, and Ashton quickly heads to the hospital.

Calum was hyperventilating in the waiting room. Properly hyperventilating. Ashton goes over to him, throwing his arm around him. "I-I g-gonna be a d-dad." Ashton chuckles.

"You'll be a fine dad, Calum. You love kids and babies. We used to do babysitting. Everything will be fine." Calum runs a hand through his hair.

"I-I just can't b-believe this is happening, today. I wasn't ready." Ashton laughs.

"It's not about you being ready. That baby apparently thought Michael was ready for this. How is he anyway?" Calum's leg was bouncing up and down.

"Crowning. We will have a baby in a few hours." A few hours was much longer then Ashton thought it would be. Calum soon went in and Ashton just sat there.

"ASHY!" Comes running is the little girl from before. The little girl, Carrie, was now bald. Ashton felt bad, she had cancer.

"Hey Carrie." She smiles even bigger.

"You remember me?" Ashton nods, trying to match her increasing happy attitude.

"Sure do, sweetie." She bobs her head, climbing into Ashton's lap, pressing her hands to his stomach.

"What's the baby's name?" She asks.

"Evan." She looks up at Ashton.

"That's my brother's name. He always comes to visit." Ashton nods, soon a tall boy coming running and grabbing Carrie.

"I'm so sorry about her." The boy says.

"No problem. She's adorable." The boy smiles, Ashton guessed the boy was her brother.

"Thanks. We should go... Bye." Carrie's brother runs off with Carrie in his arms.

Calum's head peeks out of the door. "Wanna come in and see baby Hood." Ashton nods, coming into the room to see the baby in Michael's arms.

"What's her name?" Ashton asks.

"Ella Anna Hood." Michael says lovingly. The baby was so small in Michael's arms. It was adorable though.

"Cute name." Ashton says.

"Calum went on a name generator for ideas." Calum's cheek blush red.


The long days have passed. Ashton realizes this baby could be born at any day, any second. He had stuff in a bag for when it all happened, let's just say Ashton was very prepared. Everyone was really. Since Ashton was the next to have a baby, everyone was kinda waiting per say. Ashton still hasn't gotten a phone call from Luke, which didn't make him very happy, but...

It was the middle of lunch. Ashton was eating a sandwich, when his mom noticed the water on the floor. She looks all around till she realizes what actually happened.

"Ashton, not to alarm you, but I think your water just broke." Let's just say, Ashton drops his sandwich and gets his bag.

They scurry to the hospital, Ashton had texted Calum and tried to text and call Luke to tell him. He didn't respond to the text nor answer his call. This worried Ashton. They get Ashton into a hospital gown and do all the necessary procedures. Ashton all the sudden felt pain, the nurse had told him he was having contractions.

Ashton always imagined that when he was giving birth that Luke would be next to him... not Calum. Who kept asking Ashton where Luke was and why he wasn't there, like Ashton knew. Ashton was crying when he was pushing the baby out. It wasn't very comfortable when a baby is coming out your butt.

Anyway, after what seems like forever, the sound of a baby crying is heard. Ashton wipes the sweat off his head, and soon he has a beautiful baby boy in his  arms. He was tiny, and adorable. Everything the size of a grain of rice, everything beautiful.

Ashton's mother soon comes in, and gushes over the small child. She grabbed Evan from Ashton's arms, soothing his crying. Ashton felt grateful.

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