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Rick's house was empty when the three walked inside. The man still yelled and called out for his wife and son, only to get yelled at by me.
"All due respect, sir, yelling like that is just going to attract unwanted attention," I scolded him. He ignored me and began searching all the rooms, still calling out to his family.

I looked at Ford, "Search," I told him, and began to look around the house. It was messy like people were in a hurry to get out. The thing that told me that his wife and son got out was all the family photos were gone. People wouldn't take some other family's photos.

When I walked into the living room, Rick was on the ground sobbing. It was weird seeing a grown man cry, or anyone cries for that matter.
Before I could tell him my theory, he got up off the ground and walked out of the house, simply metering "I'm getting air," to me as he passed.

Ford returned to my side. I sent him to look for walkers, if there were any, then he'd have barked.
"What are we gonna do with him," I asked Ford. He just tilted his head. I got on my knees and began to pet him some, talking to him.

All of a sudden, I heard a gunshot, and Ford and I ran outside. There was a boy and his father, I assume. The kid had hit Rick with a shovel and the father killed a walker.
The man began yelling at Rick, "What's your wound from!" He pointed a gun in Rick's face.

I snuck up behind the boy while taking out my sword, I grab him and put the sword to his neck. "Put your fuckin gun down, or I'll kill your kid!"
The man immediately looked at me, "Let him go, girl."

"Toss your gun over here and I will," I glared at the man.
"Dad help me," the boy yelled, he tried squirming away but that just made the blade cut him slightly.
"Fine! Fine, have it your way," The man said while slowly putting the gun on safety and tossing it towards me.
I lowered the sword and shoved the boy towards his father. Then grabbing the gun and going to Rick who'd passed out.
His bandages had bled through onto his shirt, that's why the man was yelling about his wound.

"Is he bit?" The man asked, he had an arm wrapped around his son.
"No. He's a cop who got shot before all this happened, he was in a Coma until this morning," I explained.

"He's not your father," He sounded surprised, this just made me laugh.
"Hell no, he's not my father. My dad wouldn't even be in this position."
"I'm sorry about my boy, if you don't mind, we can take him back to our house. I can replace his bandages and get you two-er three a meal as an apology."

I looked over at Ford, it would be nice to have a free meal and not have to replace Rick's bandages.

"Fine, but I'm keeping the gun until we're at the house," I agreed.

The man introduced himself as Morgan and his son as Duane. Morgan carried Rick while Ford and I carried our things.
Morgan's house was pretty secure, windows were covered up for at night. The door was boarded up. They had plenty of food and other things. I did as I promised and gave Morgan back the gun when we got to the house.

I sat in some corner with Ford laying his head on my lap. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a folded photograph. It was of me two years ago, my dad was on my left and my uncle on my right.
"Hey, kid,"

I quickly put the photo away and looked up to see Rick. He seemed like he was feeling much better than before.
"Morgan's made some food, even got some dog food for Ford."

I got up and went to the dining room with Rick. We all sat around a table and Morgan gave each of us a bowl of beans.
We were about to start eating until Duane opened his mouth, "Daddy, we have to say grace."
"You're right," Morgan agreed and then took his son's hand, then held his out to Rick. They look at me, and Rick and the kid held their hands out to me.
"I don't do this-" I began, I looked at Rick and then groaned, I took Rick's and the kid's hand, "Fine."

"Lord, we thank the for this for food, thy blessings. And we ask you to watch over us in these crazy days. Amen."


I took my hands back as soon as the man was done. I then began eating and looked over at Ford, He had a bowl of canned dog food he was eating, and a water bowl was next to it.

"You shot that man today," Rick said to Morgan. He still had a hard time believing all of this was real.
"That wasn't a man, Mr. Rick. It was a walker, just like the one from earlier," I said a little too harshly. It was frustrating to me.

"She's right, it wasn't a man. Have you not been around for this for long?"
"No, I woke up this morning. Clare explained most of it, but I'm still confused."

Morgan began to explain the new world to Rick. I said a quick thanks for the food and went to another room with Ford.
I laid down with my stuff, I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. Even if Morgan and his son have shown us kindness, in this new world you still couldn't trust anyone.

It was about thirty minutes before I was even half asleep. Ford lay next to me and I used a bag for a pillow and my jacket as a blanket.
I heard footsteps but kept my eyes closed. Ford raised his head, looking at the person, and put it back down. Then I felt a blanket draped over me and Ford.
I opened my eyes when I heard them walk away, it was Rick.


The next morning was when Rick was going to kill his first walker. It was early in the morning, and we were all slowly walking outside towards a walker.
I carried my sword while Rick carried a baseball bat. Rick slowly walked towards the walker who'd gotten up and was walking towards Rick.
Once close enough, Rick hit it in the head with the bat. Then he did it again and again, he was angry. When it finally fell to the ground dead, Rick fell to his knees.
"I'm fine- I just need a minute."

After Rick got himself back together, I walked over to him. "Ford and I are going to serve a few houses for anything useful."
"Alright, but will meet up at the Station alright? And you'll yell if you get into any trouble," Rick asked, he sounded like a concerned father.

"Alright," Rick nodded and then pet Ford for a minute, then looked at me. I held my fist out. We did a fist-bump before a went back into the house for my stuff.
I managed to put all the food and medical supplies in one bag, along with the other set of clothes I had. The other backpack I had was starting to rip. Ford's things were all in his bag that he was able to carry.

I had my blade out as I kicked the front door open on a house. We took a few steps forward and so far it was clear. Ford started to search the room for things after he saw me do a hand signal. Then I went on with kicking open doors and checking for walkers.
This went on for about thirty minutes, we got through four houses and only got a few cans of fruit. Ford found a leather jacket which was awesome in my opinion. It was big on me, but I'd grow into it.

It was about midday when Ford and I got to the station. We went inside and looked around.
"Rick!" I called out. Then I heard footsteps, the three guys came out in fresh clothes and Rick with wet hair.

"Hey, you didn't ditch me," Rick said with a smile.
"I guess not," I said, "Why's your hair wet?"

"Follow me."

I followed Rick into some locker room and saw showers. I quickly asked, "Is there?"
"Yup, I'll be helping Morgan and his son with something, you do your thing," Rick said before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.


I walked outside with Ford, now wearing fresh clothes. A pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and my "new" leather jacket. My hair was in a high ponytail.
When we got outside, we could see Rick talking with Morgan and his son. Rick gave him a couple of guns with two boxes of bullets. The two said goodbye and Morgan got in his car with his son.

Rick looked over at me, "We've got guns now."
"Nice. Where are we going now?"
"The city, or at least we have to go through the city."

With that, we got in his police cruiser, Ford in the backseat, and Rick and me in the front. Then Rick started to drive away.


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