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What the hell had just happened? That's all I could think. What happened? How did such a large swarm get to camp? How many people died?

I felt Ford walk up next to me and sit on my foot. I placed a hand on his head and just took a minute to process. People were still in a panic even after all the walkers had been killed, but then again we were dying too.
Andrea, a blonde woman who I had never spoken to, was cradling her sister's corpse. Amy was going to turn into a walker, but Andreas not going to let anyone touch Amy. They were sisters.

Jenny placed a hand on my shoulder, then rubbed my back as she spoke, "Are you, alright honey?"
I looked at her, she was concerned. I answered, "I'm fine," then asked, "Are you?"
Jenny looked away for a second, she was upset. Can't blame her, the people in this group are her friends and some of her friends just died. Jenny didn't answer my question, but she just said that she was going to go check on the others.

I could see Rick in the corner of my eye hugging his wife and son. The Martinez family was reunited, I could see Carol hugging her daughter as she stared at the body of her husband, Ed.
Then my dad walked up to Ford and me, the walker's blood was staining his shirt and pants, he looked tired but relieved. He spoke, "You alright," he asked as he checked me for injuries.
"I'm fine dad. What are we doing with them," I asked as I looked around at the dead walkers. "We bury our people. We burn the others," Rick answered for him.
I turned and looked at him, Rick and Shane had walked over. Carol and Lori were taking the kids into the RV.

"Clary you should go with the other-" Rick suggested, but I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
"I'm helping," I said before walking away with Ford following.


All night we were burning bodies, and still are. Everyone was tired, but still working. Dad was a pain in the ass and keeps complaining about us not putting a bullet in Amy's head.
Glenn and I walk over to another body, I let Glenn grab the heavier end this time, and we pick it up. We start walking it over to the fire, I can see Ford following us in the corner of my eye. When we got to the fire, we tossed it in and took a step away from it.

I look at Ford and then at Glenn, "taking a break," I said. Glenn looked at me and nodded, he began helping manage the fire as I walked away with Ford. I grabbed my backpack and walked over to a shaded tree and sat down.
Ford sat down next to me and I got out his food and water bowl, grabbing the small bag of kibble out of his vest too. I filled the bowls and set them down before leaning back against the ruff bark, taking a swig from my water.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until someone came over and sat down a foot away from us: Carl Grimes, Rick's crybaby son.
Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, it was an awkward silence. We never spoke before, I never stayed around long enough before for that.

"Hey, my name is Carl," he said. I didn't give him a response. "Your dog is cool," Carl started, "really badass, you are too. I saw you taking out those walkers last night, it was cool."

Honestly, I was exhausted and didn't want to respond. I just wanted to sleep, but if I fell asleep, I was scared I'd just have to relive this shit show.

Carl began to keep asking questions, not expecting an answer, "Were there people out in the city who did that to you? Made all those bruises?" "Was Merle Dixon your uncle?" "How old are you?" "What's your favorite color?"

Finally, I gave him a reaction, I couldn't help but laugh a bit and shake my head. I looked at him, "You're annoying, you know that," I said.
He was looking right back at me, "I know. I just wanted to get your attention. You're the first friend I've made here in a long time," he said with this huge stupid smile on his face.
"We're not friends, haircut," I said.

Still breathing | Carl Grimes TWDWhere stories live. Discover now