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I woke up in the morning with pain running through my entire body, not an unbearable pain but rather a dull annoying one. My leg was asleep and I had to pry it from under Ford's weight.
Dad wasn't anywhere in the room from what I could tell, he left his crossbow on his cot. I got up and grabbed the essentials before leaving the room with Ford following close behind.

Ford and I made our way down the long hallways and finally reached the canteen. A few people were sitting around the table eating breakfast. I took a seat next to Glenn who was regretting his previous decisions.
Glenn groaned as he held his head in his hands. I took his glass of water and smelled it to confirm before taking a drink, then poured the rest into a bowl on the table before putting the bowl on the ground.
"Morning Clary, how did you sleep," asked Lori who sat across from me next to her son. She was picking apart and eating some bacon.

"Alright, I guess," I said in response, as a plate of food was being placed in front of me. Just by seeing their arm, I could tell it was my dad. I looked over my shoulder to see him giving Ford a bowl of canned dog food.

I began to eat the bacon and eggs as Carl began talking, "What's wrong with Glenn," he asked.
"He's hungover," I answered before taking a sip of the water my dad had gotten me.
"Is dad going to be hung over," Carl asked his mother. She gave him a small smile and nodded at him, confirming the fact.

I ended up finishing my food by the time Jenny and a few others began coming in. Jenny took the seat next to me and Dale sat in the seat next to Glenn who was slowly scooping beans into his mouth.

A light conversation was going on between the women and Dale before Rick finally came in. Just as Lori thought, her husband was hungover.
"Morning," Rick said as he approached the table, pulling out the chair next to his wife and sitting down.
"Are you hung over," Carl asked with a weird smile, "Mom said you'd be?"
"Mom was right." "Mom has that annoying habit."

T-Dog began walking out of the kitchen with a pan in hand, "Eggs, powdered, but I do them good."
The guy began scooping eggs onto people's plates and gave Glenn a little more, "Protein helps the hangover."
Glenn just moaned and groaned still.

"Where'd all this come from," Rick asked as he looked at the small bottle of pills in his hand.
"Jenner, he thought we could use it."

Lori got out some pills for her husband before tossing the bottle to Jenny who got some out for Glenn.

"Don't ever ever ever let me drink again," Glenn said as he took my glass of water to take the pills.
"Yeah, you shouldn't have listened to my dad on the whole red-face thing," I said as I took a bite of Glenn's eggs.

Then Shane came walking in, he had a look of self-pity on his face as he went and got a coffee.

"Feel as bad as I do," asked Rick.


Lori looked more on edge the second Shane came walking in. Something had gone on between the two.

"The hell happen to you," T-Dog asked Shane as he went and sat down at the other end of the table.
"Dunno, must have done it in my sleep," said Shane. It was a scratch mark on his neck. I looked over at Lori who seemed very uncomfortable.

"Never seen you do that before," said Rick as he didn't notice the obvious tension between his wife and his best friend.
"Yeah, not like me at all," Shane said as he made eye contact with Lori for only a second.

After that awkwardness I noticed the doctor walking into the room with a coffee mug already in hand.

"Morning Doc," said Rick.

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