The First Encounter

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“Are they following me? Who the fuck do they think they are?”

Tommy smiles at the thought that he might pose a threat to them. He looks around the alley, they are closing in on him, he feels the dire need to get out of here.

Tommy launched myself into the air with the technologically advanced shoes he stole from Tubbo this morning. For a moment, he thought he was flying, but Tommy quickly realized that he was falling and gripping onto the edge of a four story building and slung himself onto the roof.

Around a fourth of the people who are definitely following Tommy somehow jump onto the roof as well. He hops across roofs, not really sure where he’s going.

When he reached the ground, he thought he lost them. How wrong he fucking was.

Someone threw a few knives that hit Tommy, while two or three didn’t- judging by the sound of the metal hitting the sidewalk. He ran as fast as he could and hid in an alley to try to recover after he grabbed two knives that were nearby.

Tommy looks down and notices the earpiece that he came with- it’s crushed.

‘My roommate is gonna be so fucking mad, what the fuck do I fucking do?’

Tommy grabs the earpiece and shoves it gently into his pocket. Tommy grips onto the knives as he hears footsteps approaching.

It was the men chasing him, no doubt.

Tommy blocks the bullets they aim at him with the knives they unintentionally supplied him with. Tommy glares at them, hoping to get some reaction out of them- nothing, they just stared back at Tommy.

‘How annoying.’

Tommy threw a knife at them and it left a deep cut on two of their legs before landing on another person. They all shout in pain.

‘Fucking pussies.’

Tommy saw the other two people come toward him, he quickly pulled out two knives from his legs. Tommy bit his lip and tried not to scream from pain, but that failed.

Three heroes come over and look at the situation; Multiple men with weapons and a kid stabbed with knives gripped onto two.

Tommy’s vision starts to get blurry.

‘No you fucking useless body! Don’t you fucking dare start to quit! Not right fucking now! The three heroes that I noticed earlier (before my vision fucking failed me) are on the list of the top ten heroes-’

The heroes get closer to Tommy, he grips the knives and yells, “I’m not afraid to use these! Stay back!”.

The one with brown hair says gently in a weird-ass voice, “It’s ok, we do not intend on hurting you, you’re safe.”

“Why should I believe you? Why are you guys so blurry, like, what the hell?”

“Hey, how old are you? Where’s your house, we could get you home,” an unusually nonchalant, considering Tommy’s situation, asked.

“Why does it matter how old I am? Also that second part sounds a lot like kidnapping, so no!”

All Tommy thinks he knows is that he recognized them as heroes.. or are they?

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