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After a few minutes of Tommy waiting patiently, Tubbo came back with a tall boy. Tommy sat on the couch slightly annoyed but he don’t know why. They sit on the couch too.

Tommy curiously asks “So, uh who’s the guy?”

Tommy whispers to Tubbo clearly not trusting the newcomer “Is he dangerous? Is he safe here? Did you do a background check?”

Now that Tommy hears himself, he admits to being kinda slightly paranoid. Very slightly. Tubbo stares at Tommy like he’s crazy.

Tubbo states “This is a friend of mine, you should get one, ya ‘know a friend? Look, I know no one has ever visited our home, but he’s nice”

Tommy looks over at the tall guy, judging him.

Tommy asks “But why is he so tall? Is he in some kind of secret evil organization?”.

The taller black and white guy giggles shyly at my comment.

Tubbo offendedly says as if it was directed towards him “NO! He’s a NICE guy. I don’t understand WHY you NEVER trust people, especially NICE ones”.

Tommy shrugs, not wanting to tell Tubbo about a few bad memories- why Tommy can’t trust people. TRUST NO-ONE. That was my mother’s dying wish when I was three or four. I must abide by it, also I’ve learned from the ‘bad memories’ that she was warning me, trying to protect me. I knew Tubbo before my mother died, so he’s an EXCEPTION. Probably the only exception. The tall dude introduces himself as ‘Ranboo(b)’. It’s a weird-ass name, why is the 2nd ‘b’ silent?

I say “Ok, Ranboob. Tell me why I should trust you. I mean you’re literally a stranger barging into my home”.

Ranboob sighs and states “It’s Ranboo, maybe you should listen to us talk and judge me then?”.

I sigh and nod, he’s right. I listen to him and Tubbo talk for hours. I get up and go to my room. I sit on the bed.

'Ranboob does seem like a nice guy. Why do I feel so hurt when he’s around Tubbo?'

You are jealous, Tommy.

'No, you’re wrong. You’re just a stupid voice! No one fucking knows you fucking exist! So…Hah!'

You can’t get rid of me though. You are jealous, don’t try to deny it.

'You’re lying, I’m NOT jealous! You’re jealous that I have a friend!'

It’s only one. I don’t care about Tubbo. I have you. You can’t get rid of me, no matter what you do.

'You don’t care about Tubbo? What do you mean I can’t get rid of you?'

I’ll tell you another day. Now go to sleep, you need it.

‘Why the fuck should I fucking listen to you?!’

The voice is silent. Tommy smiles and laughs at the victory.

‘NO-ONE can control me!’

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