When A Vigilante Is Sick

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It was around 9 in the morning when he arrived back home. Tubbo was in the kitchen cooking. Tubbo looked at Tommy and noticed his clothes were drenched and realized he was up all night.

He says “Tommy, change before you get sick”. Tommy nods my head, feeling exhausted.

‘I’m probably already sick, Tubs’

Tommy changes and lays on bed and I try to get up once he remembered that he forgot to do his homework.

Tubbo flicked my forehead and says “You’re sick, you dumb-ass, now go to sleep”.

Tommy glares at Tubbo as he leaves.

He adds before he closes the door “When I’m gone Ranboo will babysit you, BEHAVE”.

Tommy rolls his eyes. ‘Who does he think I am? I barely even know Ranboob! I will do some crime tonight, I’ve been doing a lot of saving and capturing recently. Time to change things up.

Ranboo checks on Tommy a couple of times, along with Tubbo. Tommy ignores both of them.

‘Tubbo grounded me. The audacity! Ugh! I’m stuck in bed and I can’t fucking sleep! I need sleep gummies or vitamins or whatever! I don’t care if they are fucking drugged! Staying here is boring as fuck!’

Once Tubbo is snoring, Tommy changes into his vigilante costume and grabs his bag of weapons. He heads to the pharmacy and steals as many gummies as he can since he can’t read in the dark. Tommy heads out of the store and goes around terrorizing criminals. Tommy ended up not noticing the siren hero that was fighting a villain he terrorized and followed Tommy. Tommy stops in an alley.

Tommy rants to himself not knowing someone else is there “Ugh! He has no right to fucking ground me! Just because I’m fucking sick! We’re literally the same age! He can’t do this to me! I’m TommyInnit! The best vigilante! A very handsome one at that! And he has the AUDACITY the fucking ground me?! I’m not a fucking CHILD! UGH! This is so fucking unfair! He should know that NOTHING keeps the BEST vigilante away at night!”.

Tommy hears someone snicker behind him. It’s the siren hero. Tommy glarse at him through the mask.

He says “You are such a teen, did you ever move past that point?”.

He thinks Tommy is older than he really is, Tommy supposes he could use this to his advantage.

Tommy smiles “So? What’s your point? Are you here to kill me because of all those times I-I UGH! I do not need to explain what I did”.

The siren hero asks “Nah, I won’t kill you. What are doing up this late, don’t you need sleep?”.

Tommy answers defensively “None of your fucking business, Siren”.

Tommy starts to feel light-headed, so he turns his head away from the hero and leans against the wall. The Siren hero walks toward him, and Tommy pretends to pass out. The hero carries Tommy and eventually places him on a bed. Tommy and a few others thought he wanted to kill the vigilante. Why the sudden change of heart? Tommy heard someone snicker.

The Blade hero states “Instead of turning him in, you’ve brought him home? Have you changed your mind? Or have you-”

Something cut the Blade off. The people leave Tommy and he opens his eyes and eats the gummies until he feels drowsy. He puts the gummies away and passed out.

Tommy woke up in a strange bed and a room he don’t recognize.

On instinct, he growls and yells “WHERE THE HELL AM I?”

Tommy hears people running towards the door, so he locks it- he doesn’t know these people, whoever they may be.

Tommy hears the Blade say “Open up”.

Tommy doesn’t know why but he feels like he can trust this hero as if he was a vigilante as well. Tommy unlocks the door and demands to know where he is. They tell Tommy that he’s at their house. Tommy shrugs, obviously not believing but playing along so he can get away from the heroes as soon as possible. Tommy says that it’ll be safe for him to stay until he figures a way out or gets better. Techno informs Tommy that he was asleep for a week. Tommy shrugs, he hasn’t slept for about a week before he ranted and briefly encountered the Siren hero.

The siren says “You are sick, want some soup?”

Tommy frowns and shakes his head.

Tommy bluntly reasons “I won’t allow you to be given the chance to poison me”.

Philza asks “Can you trust me or Blade with that?”

Tommy shakes his head. Philza asks how Tommy is going to get better.

Tommy states as if it was obvious “By having sleep vitamins cause sickness has always been odd for me. I’ll just sleep it off. If you get me anything, I will just let the food sit there”.

The blade asks “Are they prescribed to you?”.

Tommy honestly says “I would be a young hero if I could do that. So technically, I need drugs to be cured from whatever got me sick”.

Philza tries to reason with Tommy, not wanting a kid to believe they’re doing drugs, “B-but it’s still technically not drugs”.

Tommy shrugs. They left Tommy alone for a bit and he texted Tubbo telling him that he’ll be back soon. Tommy climbs out the window next to the bed and runs towards the apartment, hoping that Tubbo isn’t mad.

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