The Fight and The Sick Vigilante

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Tommy arrives and Tubbo looks at how tired he am.

Tubbo asks “How much did you take?”.

Tommy counted on his fingers to recall exactly how many and not an estimate “6 jars?”.

Tubbo slaps his forehead and orders Tommy to bed. Tommy collapsed when he reached the mattress. April is next month, Tommy sighs. He supposes he might end up waking up at the heroes' place quite a bit next month. Once he got a good rest, he heads to the kitchen and spots Tubbo and Ranboob talking.

Tommy says way too energetically- like a kid on a sugar rush on top of a sugar rush “How are you guys?”.

Tubbo says “You had way too many sleeping vitamins, Tommy”.

Tommy felt the need to correct him “Gummies, they were gummies”.

Tubbo frowns “That makes it worse! It helps you better and you always eat more of those! You always go over the top!”.

Tommy shrugs, he likes to believe that it’s not his problem.

Tubbo tells me “Look, Tommy, we’re childhood best friends. But we don’t need to be living under the same roof, you get kinda annoying ya ‘know? I’m sorry, I just god damn space need some space”.

Tommy looks at Tubbo who is currently pinching his nose bridge from irritation of dealing with Tommy. Tommy nods and goes to pack his stuff. But he packs his things as if he’s not going to return whenever Tubbo gets tired of him, like now. Tommy heads out without saying anything, knowing that it’ll irritate his best friend. Tommy sighs and goes to an alley, he assumes he’ll be staying in the alleys for a while.

Tommy asks himself the same question he does every time he has to leave “Did-did I do something wrong?”.

Tommy can’t help but feel in the wrong every time he is technically kicked out. After all, he has never done it to Tubbo afraid that it’ll make him mad or turn it into something common like a prank.

While Tommy was living in the alley, he got stabbed, shot, and basically abused in general, but he didn’t respond. He couldn’t, he barely felt anything, thanks to being sick. Sickness is currently Tommy’s savior. People tried to get Tommy to buy something, but he always seemed dead asleep. Sometimes people would throw glass bottles at him, drunk people are always so mean to Tommy.

‘What did I do to deserve this abuse? Why do I feel like I deserve this?’

At night, like usual- he was a vigilante. Due to being abused in the alleys, defenseless - his body couldn’t handle the stress and passed out when he was running from the three certain heroes once again for committing a crime as a vigilante.

Tommy woke up in the same bed at the hero's place. Except, this time they were all talking to each other. Tommy feels my face and notices my mask is still on. He sighs with relief knowing that he is safe from being turned in, for now. He tries to get up but winces at the pain in his arms, legs, and stomach. Philza asks Tommy how he’s doing knowing that he’s stubborn and hoping for him to admit that he’s not ok and might be willing to let the heroes help.

‘They probably drugged me to feel fucking this fucking god damn fucking pain. You fucking arseholes!’

Tommy refuses to respond to the hero.

Tommy asks furiously "what the hell did you guys do to me?".

Technoblade asks "you're in a lot of pain, aren't you?".

Tommy nods at him. The siren hero asks Tommy if he’s still sick.

Tommy says proudly "Big men don't get sick, I'm a big man".

The blade hands Tommy his bag. Tommy looks at the gun.

Tommy asks calmly "did you guys drug me to make me be in this pain?".

"No mate, we took you to the doctors'' Philza says as if Tommy asks if he has done something illegal.

Tommy yells clearly pissed off and wanting to get as far away from the heroes as possible "That's worse than feeding me poison and torturing me!".

Tommy adds in a normal tone to try to calm down knowing that the heroes won’t let him go if he’s upset "Hospitals are the worst, they should NEVER be mentioned".

"May I?" Technoblade asks

Tommy wasn’t sure how to respond, so he didn’t. Techno took that as he got permission, he took off Tommy’s mask.

"Give it back!!!" Tommy yells, his feelings all mixed up: fear, happiness, vulnerability, anger, hate, and maybe another feeling he can’t describe. Maybe that feeling was belonging. Maybe not. Maybe all of the times he encountered these heroes, the heroes earned a place in Tommy's heart. If so, Tommy didn’t know about it or refuses to admit it.

They stare at Tommy in concern, and possibly fear.

"You're that kid who had knives in their legs” Philza says what he observed.


Tommy yells, clearly feeling targeted and vulnerable, which he clearly hates "So? Do you have a problem with that?".

Tommy pulls out a dart gun and aims it at the heroes. The heroes all shake their heads knowing that Tommy won’t hesitate to use the gun and felt the need for Tommy to trust them. Tommy reluctantly put the gun back in my backpack, much to the heroes’ relief.

‘Why didn't they take me to the base or arrest me? What are they planning? This must be some sort of trap so they know if I’m working alone or not, maybe even figure out it was Tubbo. Or maybe they want to poison me’

Yes, they want to poison you and put you in jail for being a hero without a license. For being a hero without permission.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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