How To Rob A Store

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Tommy woke up in my and Tubbo’s bed. Tommy gets up desperately hoping that last night was a nightmare, only to wince in pain at how real last night was. He looks at the alarm clock.

‘It’s nine fucking thirty?! That’s too fucking early!’

Tommy repeats “fuck” as he sits up.

Tubbo comes in and asks how Tommy’s doing.

Tommy answers honestly “Like fucking shit! Do you know how many fucking times I was fucking stabbed trying to get fucking food for us while you were fucking asleep!”

He says “You what? Did-did you get anything?”

‘the audacity!’

“Obviously fucking not! Or it would be on the fucking counter or in the fucking cupboards!”.

He sighs knowing this is gonna lead to a fight or Tommy being too confident to realize the truth and says “You could’ve just ALLOWED yourself to get help for your wounds. Like I don’t know maybe a hospital or someone who has all the stuff we have AND the alcohol for your injuries”.

Tommy yells “No, NEVER! That place is the fucking worst! Plus, who the fuck has that shit?”

“Basically everyone! We have to steal food to survive, basically no one else does! You were asleep for a whole MONTH and this is how you thank me?!”

Tommy scoffs clearly in denial.

‘He’s lying, he has to be!’

Tubbo sighs and orders Tommy to go to sleep. Tommy glares at him and reluctantly does as he’s told.

When Tommy wakes up, it’s around midnight. Tommy feels the sudden urge to go outside, in his vigilante suit. Tommy tries to walk and fortunately for Tommy, his legs don’t hurt that much. Tommy grabs the knives from his secret stash and hides them in his suit. Tommy goes to a store and tries to get some beans or some food when this random group of people in all black comes in.

One of them states “Hey, kid! Why don’t you go home? Leave the robbing to us?”.

Tommy yells clearly pissed off, “What the fuck did you just fucking call me?!”.

‘No one calls me a kid or child and gets away with it’

Tommy throws a knife at each person to show them that they don’t talk to him that way.

‘They came as a group, they’ll receive the punishment as a group’

The group shoots Tommy in my stomach and my legs.

‘What the fuck do people have against legs?’

The group screams in agony, alerting 3 certain heroes. Tommy scoffs, he believes wholeheartedly that it doesn’t even hurt that much for the intruders to scream like that. Tommy hid in an aisle.

The siren hero asks in his siren voice “What happened here?”.

One of the people Tommy stabbed stated honestly “The kid in some kind of weird outfit, probably a vigilante, did this to us. Apparently he hates being called a kid more than anything, that was where we fucked up, I guess”.

Tommy smiles ‘he’s not wrong’

“He's probably in one of the aisles” a different person Tommy shot said.

‘Shit, fucking shit. Fuck you, you stupid ass “criminal” ’

Tommy finds quite a few realistic guns, Tommy grabs them and shoves all but one into the backpack he was supposed to put only food in. He grabbed tons of ice-cream bars, along with tons of fruit snacks, cheese, tomato sauce, and tortillas. Tommy hums a tune that the siren hero did in a live interview, forgetting that heroes are here. Tommy glances at the people he stabbed, Tommy uses the gun and shoots the ugliest one. He cries in agony.

“Oh, shut up! It doesn’t even hurt that much! Stop whining like a crybaby, pussy!”.

Tommy walks towards the door and notices the heroes standing there, eyeing him.

Tommy asks awkwardly “Uh, hi? Just pretend you NEVER saw me and there won’t be any problems, ok?”.

Tommy dashes out the door and to his apartment before the heroes can respond. Tommy sighs with relief.

‘that was so fucking close’

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