Sneaking Out

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Tommy pretends to sleep so he can easily go out and be a vigilante at night. Tubbo comes in and asks if Tommy wants dinner, but finds Tommy sleeping. Tubbo leaves and tells Ranboob that Ranboo should sleep on the couch.

Tommy smirks at his victory as Tubbo comes in and closes the door and says “Good night, Big T”.

A few hours later, Tubbo is snoring, but Tommy doesn’t know Ranboob’s sleep schedule. Tommy decided that he waited long enough. Tommy swiftly and silently put his vigilante costume on and grabbed my knives and guns and hid some of them on me, while others went in a bag. Tomm creeps his way towards the front door and opens it quickly to make as little noise as possible. He closes it quickly til it’s only a crack open, then he slowly closes the door. He sighs with relief and heads into town to stop criminals and/or cause crime. It’s been rainy vigilante nights ever since Tubbo left on Saturday, today is also another one. Tommy spots Quackity, he’s an old friend of his, but Quackity’s unreliable at times or a lot. Tommy makes his way to Quackity. Quackity's giving people drugs from what Tommy can tell. In all honesty, Tommy’s not wrong. Tommy gets off the roof that he’s spying on Quackity from and lands in front of his said old friend.

“Hey, Big Q! How’s it going?” Tommy greets.

Quackity notices Tommy immediately.

“I’m good, T” Quackity says as if he knew his old friend is a famous vigilante.

‘thank god he didn’t say my name’ Tommy asks who the guy is. Quackity tells Tommy with ease that the stranger is his customer. Apparently, Quackity wanted a change of style so he started giving therapy to people who can’t go to regular therapy. Tommy nods, to Tommy which seems odd yet somewhat like what Quackity would do.

The customer says “You-you’re the one who stab-stabbed me” while pointing at Tommy in terror.

Tommy shrugs knowing that there was no way to deny it.

Tommy says defensively “It was 10 people at max”.

Quackity smiles, probably because Tommy is unintentionally helping him. The customer grabs his gun and shoots Tommy in the leg. Tommy felt the bullet hit him, but nothing else. Tommy takes a mental note that he might be sick. Tommy pulls out a gun and shoots him in both his legs.

As Tommy shoots him he asks a rhetorical question “Why do people always go for the legs? Let’s see how you take it”.

Tommy recalls annoying the siren hero and it made him giggle with mischief.

‘Ugh! I hate my giggle, it sounds so fucking childish’

Quackity pulled out a gun and shot Tommy in his other leg and his stomach. Tommy winced in pain and shot Quackity with his gun multiple times. Apparently, the guns he stole from the shop are actual dart guns, real guns in Tommy’s opinion. Quackity collapsed. Tommy smirked at the unconscious bodies he shot, taking it as a victory.

The blade hero comes out of the shadows and states “You did good kid, do you want actual weapons, not uh, toys?”

Tommy stares at him confused.

‘Why is he asking me this?’

Tommy asks him the next question that occurs to him “But isn’t the siren hero your brother? Shouldn’t you be offended by how his power doesn’t work on me? I’m literally a vigilante and you’re not gonna turn me in?”.

He stated, “No, I like it when you pester him, it makes it easier for me to verbally do the same. Because of that, I won’t turn you in”.

Tommy smiles under the mask.

“Ok, next time I want guns”

Tommy uses his advanced shoes to fly him in the air as he goes to find more crimes.

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