The First Encounter #2

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Tommy takes notice of a third man, with wings- or something- Tommy’s vision is too fucked up to tell. They step closer though, voices strangely soft. “It’s ok, let us at least get you to the hospital to get your wounds fixed.”

‘Who the fuck does he think he fucking is?!’

“A hospital, that’s the last place anyone should ever mention. No, not happening.” Tommy argues, clearly annoyed.

‘I’ve literally been through fucking worse, I’m getting weak, aren’t I?’

The heroes look between each other, one states that they’ll take these people to the police. Another states that they’ll try to get Tommy- well, “the kid” bandaged up.

There was a loud, really loud ringing in Tommy’s ear that canceled out their voices, actually, it canceled out all the noise.

Tommy puts the knives he got out of his legs back in to try to stop the bleeding. Tommy feels a pen in his pocket, but it’s not any pen. Tommy smiles as he grabs it out of his pocket, and clicks the button, turning it into a baton.

Tommy flies in the air, using the three men's newly started argument as a great way to leave. He uses the baton to get back to his apartment where Tubbo is sure to yell at him for disconnecting his earpiece. He heads straight to the bathroom and he sighs with stress.

‘I’m so fucking god damn lucky that I wasn’t in my fucking vigilante outfit.’

Tommy took off his pants and bandaged his legs.

‘We don’t have any alcohol for my injuries, only the cream to help them heal. Honestly, the pain was kinda comforting. Being the fucked up teen I am, I cut my arms- multiple times. Although, it wasn’t really a cut, more like a graze.’

But the pain somehow satisfied Tommy. Tommy cleans himself and the knives and goes to mine and Tubbo’s room.

‘He’s sound asleep, thank god’

Tommy puts the knives in my secret stash of weapons. Tommy gently gets on the bed, careful not to wake my roommate up, and passes out.

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