The Second Encounter

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Tommy goes to his room and gets into pj's and put the bag under the bed. Tomorrow is Saturday, Tubbo is always out of the apartment from early on Saturday to Tuesday. So Tommy has time to eat the food I stole. It might be selfish, but Tommy kinda doesn’t want to share.

As expected Tubbo was gone when Tommy woke up and Tommy ate the food he stole for the remainder of the day while wondering what the blade hero, winged hero, and siren hero are gonna do. Tommy ended up bandaging the wounds that the people at the store caused. The next day, Tommy went out in public and hacked into an atm machine and got thousands of dollars.

‘This should supply me and Tubbo with whatever we need for a while’

Tommy ran off hoping that no one saw him, that no one reported him. Once again, he’s wrong. Does the world hate Tommy? The three heroes recognize Tommy as the boy who got stabbed multiple times, not the vigilante. The siren hero tells me to stop, but Tommy deliberately disobeys him.

“NO! NEVER!” Tommy yelled victoriously as he turns into an alley.

Tommy looks around the alley trying to find a way up and out. Tommy doesn’t have the pen or special shoes like last time, so he won’t be able to make the jump onto the roof.

The Blade hero states “Did you get your wounds fixed?”.

Tommy willingly says honestly “Well, not properly, but it’s fine. Now, just leave me alone, ok?”.

Tommy turns around to face them and maybe escape.

The winged hero wraps his arm around me and states “You’re coming with me we’re going to fix your wounds, all of them”

Tommy grits his teeth and asks curiously “What are you doing? What are you doing with your arms around me? That’s weird”.

Philza practically squeezes Tommy and asks “You don’t know what a hug is?”.

Tommy asks curiously “No, is that what you’re doing?”.

He stops hugging Tommy and he makes a run for it. They run after Tommy, but he’s faster.

‘It’s super poggers on how fast I am’

Tommy managed to make it back to the apartment. Tommy sighs with relief and plops on the bed.

At least Tommy didn’t get injured on the second encounter with those heroes as a civilian. Tommy sleeps for the rest of the day. He woke up around 10 at night and caught a few criminals and they turned themselves in. It was raining the whole time, but he didn’t care. For the next few days, it was impossible for Tommy to sleep, Tommy pestered those three heroes and was always out and about. He rarely ate knowing that they were low on food. Tommy went home because he knew Tubbo would be back soon if Tubbo wasn’t already.

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