Where it all started

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lildanvers has created the group Superfriends

lildanvers has added llbean

lildanvers has added gaydanvers

lildanvers has added maggic

lildanvers has added thebestlane

lildanvers has added winnsdom

lildanvers: round two

gaydanvers: first of all kara why did u create another group chat knowing we nearly killed each other in the last one

gaydanvers: and second of all why was I added after Lena

maggic: yeh why was Lena added first

maggic: Alex is ur sister and I’m ur sister in law

lildanvers: i was just adding everyone from last time

lildanvers: it was random I swear

maggic: fake

winnsdom: was it also random that you didn’t add James

lildanvers: …

thebestlane: ohhhh someone doesn’t like him anymore

thebestlane: wonder why

winnsdom has added jolsen

maggic: probably because of their shared massive crush on a certain CEO

llbean: Kara you like Cat Grant!!!?

lildanvers: what no?!

thebestlane: woah woah woah she’s with me now

maggic: sure she is and Alex is a top

gaydanvers: hey you don’t need to hurt me to make a dig at Lucy

maggic: sorry you know it was a good one tho babe

gaydanvers: yeh i guess it was

llbean: well then what CEO do you like?

llbean: god please tell me it’s not someone like Edge or Lord

lildanvers: eww Lena no I’m gay

llbean: ?

llbean: wow I uhh didn’t know that

gaydanvers: Kara you didn’t tell anyone that!

maggic: congrats on switching teams little Danvers

lildanvers: was it not obvious?

gaydanvers: kara how did you think it was obvious

maggic: eh babe it was kinda obvious considering she stares at Lena’s boobs all the time

lildanvers: what I do not!

llbean: yeh you kind of do Kara

llbean: not that I mind or anything

gaydanvers: no uh uh stop that Lena

gaydanvers: no flirting in the group chat this time if it’s not intentional

llbean: why not? it’s fun getting Kara all flustered

maggic: in what way did she think that sentence was platonic?

maggic: one day you two will pull your heads out of your asses and finally get together

lildanvers: fuck off Maggie

Superfriends Group ChatWhere stories live. Discover now