Crush but with benefits?

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llbean: tht waz a mjstske but I fcuking toldddddd u

lildanvers: fuck you lee I almost won

maggic: no Kara you really didn’t

gaydanvers: yeh it was absolutely painful to watch you lose

thebestlane: you were gone a few shots in

winnsdom: wow I missed this

winnsdom: probably because I’ve actually been working unlike the rest of you

maggic: sure winnie

maggic: we saw your name pop up on the livestream of Lena absolutely crushing Kara

winnsdom: ...

winnsdom: well maybe I wasn’t working so much as just being at work

llbean: hey karrrra

lildanvers: ?

llbean: can I crsuh u agian later but yknow in a dffrent way ;)

lildanvers: you’re literally lying right next to me

llbean: oh

lildanvers: she just turned around looked at me skeptically and then turned right back around

gaydanvers: well she’s probably trying to comprehend how you’re so sober and she’s super drunk. she doesn’t exactly have yellow sunlamps to help her…

llbean: superdrunk is my nwe superhreo name

maggic: hate to break it to you but you never had a superhero name in the first place

llbean: oh thne why do I hve a cape wrapped aruond me

thebestlane: bc when ur drunk u become somewhat of an exhibitionest and Kara had to save your modesty

maggic: well what was left of it anyways

gaydanvers: ya gave everyone a view Luthor

thebestlane: luckily the livestream was off by then

lildanvers: okay well I think that’s enough chatting for now

lildanvers: my girl has started getting handsy and more confused

gaydanvers: we did not need that information

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