
1K 23 0

gaydanvers: Kara thats a whole bag of chips

lildanvers: conclusion

lildanvers: serving size: for 1

maggic: wrong

lildanvers: serving size: one bag

thebestlane: that is literally a family size bag

llbean: no kara thats still not how serving sizes work

lildanvers: you can’t tell me what to do

llbean: excuse me?

lildanvers: uhh i mean

llbean: yes, kara. what did you mean?

lildanvers: she’s using whole sentences

lildanvers: and proper grammar

lildanvers: im fucked

gaydanvers: hey keep it vanilla here please

llbean: no can do.

llbean: someone needs to be punished.

lildanvers: oh rao

gaydanvers: leNa nO

llbean: listen danvers its not my fault your sister doesn’t know who shes talking to

gaydanvers: luthor shut the fuck up or you deadass will not ever get my permission to marry her

llbean: well ill just ask Eliza instead

llbean: she loves me

gaydanvers: do you think she’ll still love you if i show her this group chat

llbean: kara your sisters being mean to me

lildanvers:*continuously eating chips*im sorry what?

llbean:*gasped*how dare you*crying*

maggic: haha shes reverted back to whiny bottom

maggic: you’re safe now kara

lildanvers:hey love?

llbean:dont call me 'love' you hUrT mE*sobbing*

lildanvers:ok im sorry,but i ran out of chips,can you come over?

llbean:and why?

lildanvers:so u can be the next i eat...



lildanvers:oK fIne yoUr luCKy i sTiLl lOve yOu...*wiping tears*

lildanvers:ok love see yah

maggic:......hey alex do u wann-

gaydanvers:ok bye-


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