James no more

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lildanvers: nothing I eat is satisfying enough ugh :/

llbean: i would say you can eat me but Alex would probably be at L-Corp in about five seconds

maggic: but you did just say that?

thebestlane: ineffective

llbean: it wasn’t direct tho so it doesn’t count

gaydanvers: you sure Lena?

gaydanvers: you don’t want to rethink what you said?

llbean: sorry for trying to find a loophole

llbean: statement rethought

llbean: sorry Kara guess you won’t be eating good tonight

maggic: my girlfriend is slipping into a coma

llbean: not my fault she reads too far into my comments


llbean: they have more depth than Kara’s pussy

gaydanvers: fuck off

llbean: fuck on

gaydanvers: smh I’m never going to get to you am I?

llbean: nope you’re just going to have to learn to tolerate me

llbean: love you future sis in law

llbean: that Ducati is set to be delivered to you tomorrow around noon <3

gaydanvers: hmph

maggic: she’s pouting

lildanvers: wow you’re buying my sister stuff :(

llbean: oh calm down Kara I’ve nearly made a dent in my bank account because of you

llbean: she’s only with me cuz I can buy her a shit ton of food

lildanvers: what that is not true whatsoever

lildanvers: ...

lildanvers: I’m with you cuz you got those bombass titties

llbean: I do have bombass titties

thebestlane: I second that

saturnup: third

jolsen: ^^

thebestlane: no James

winnsdom: buddy why did you do that

lildanvers: fucking say that about my girl again James and I’ll hurl you into the sun

jolsen: everyone else was saying it though

lildanvers: i like everyone else

lildanvers: they didn’t sleep with my girlfriend

jolsen: you and Lena and Cat and Lucy literally just had a foursome!

jolsen: AND Lucy seconded it!

lildanvers: invalid

winnsdom: just let it go buddy

samariass: can we remove him?

maggic: i physically can’t stand to listen to James’s side of conversations anymore

saturnup: I wanna kick him out

thebestlane: seconded

gaydanvers: thirded

lildanvers: what they said

llbean: agreed

winnsdom: hey cmon guys don’t be hating on James

winnsdom: hes still hurting from his second breakup from Lucy

lildanvers: you wanna join him?

winnsdom: bye buddy have fun finding other entertainment love ya

gaydanvers: “love ya”

maggic: ha couldn’t even spell out you

saturnup has removed jolsen

thebestlane: classic

gaydanvers: who wants to go out and celebrate?

llbean: can’t. too many companies to run. no drinking for me.

lildanvers: lightweight

llbean: oh babe if you weren’t an alien I would drink you under the table

lildanvers: yeh ok

llbean: oh you don’t believe me?

lildanvers: Lena there’s just no way

llbean: hey Alex

gaydanvers: yes little Luthor

llbean: where are the red sunlamps?

gaydanvers: and why should I tell you when I know you probably want to down shots with Kara until you can’t anymore?

llbean: agent Danvers tell me you don’t want to witness your sister get drunk off her ass and lose to me

maggic: well I got $100 on Lena

gaydanvers: I think Kara can beat her so $150 on Kara

maggic: hmmm may the best win

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