I love you (18x18)

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Just a reminder that Meredith and Nick love each other and will figure things out... (I truly believe in that! I mean, it's Grey's so you never know, but I think they have a good chance to work out. Nick was so worried and protective of Meredith during the last two episodes. And Meredith doesn't say I love you if she doesn't mean it and just look at how in love she is with him over all the episodes... I think Meredith was just left really heartbroken, confused and sad. 

Also, since everyone at Grey Sloan was talking about Meredith's disloyalty... who's disloyal now... Meredith is literally the last person left there...

Anyway, here is a one-shot based on episode 18x18, in case you need some happier Mernick and I will do my best do finish the 18x20 one-shot soon...


"I love you." - Meredith

"I love you, too." - Nick

And then she let her emotions take over as she let herself go in the feeling of Nick hugging her. A few tears formed in her eyes at the love he made her feel, mixed with the relief of his presence after the exhaustion from the day, after everything that has happened in her life. She slightly tightened her embrace, wanting to hold on to the comforting feeling of safeness that Nick was offering her in his arms.

They stayed like this for some time, and only as Nick felt her slightly loosening her grip, he pulled away a little further to be able to look at her. He saw Meredith wiping away a last tear, before she gave him a small smile. And all he wanted was for her, however small or big her worries were, to feel save enough to let herself feel whatever she needed to feel in his presence.

He saw the slight smile on her lips growing as he searched for her eyes, meeting them. And for a moment he just kept smiling at her. He was still holding her in a half-embrace, with his free hand reaching out for a single tear that was rolling down her cheek. He let his hand rest there, caressing over her skin a few times, slowly, carefully leaning in closer as she did the same, closing her eyes until their lips met and they let themselves go in the feeling of the kiss.

Once they ended their kiss, only pulling as far away as needed to look at the other, Nick could see the emotions in her eyes. And while he thought that she seemed happy, he wanted to make sure of that.

"Are you okay?" He whispered ever so softly, while letting his thump caress over her cheek a few more times, observing the smile on her lips getting bigger.

"Yeah." Meredith answered as she gave him a small but honest smile "I'm just glad I met you." She added with a shy smile.

Nick responded with a big smile he couldn't keep from forming on his lips as he tightened his half embrace, by pulling her closer to his side, soon feeling how Meredith let her head lean against his shoulder.

The moment rudely interrupted by a loud grumble from Meredith's stomach, making them chuckle.

"I won't keep you from eating much longer..." Nick chuckled a little "But before we eat..." He turned a bit more serious again "I think you should check on your kids first... they missed you."

"They are still up?" Meredith asked a little surprised.

"I'm not sure, but they only went to bed a little while ago because they wanted to wait for you..."

"What happened?" Meredith asked now slightly concerned.

"Nothing..." Nick reassured her "I just think they were a little disappointed that I showed up before you."

"Okay..." She gave him a small smile "I will be back in a moment."


"Nick." He heard Meredith whisper-calling him from upstairs. He quickly went out of the kitchen towards the stairs, worried something might be wrong. But when he looked up the stairs, he saw her with a small smile on her face "I want to show you something." She whispered while indicating him to come upstairs.

"I'm grateful that you're here." Season 18 | MernickWhere stories live. Discover now