Chapter 9: Soldier

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"Ah, Gabriel! There you are! I've been searching all over for ya, what spooked you last night, brother?"

"Mattheus.. It was nothing really," Gabriel turned away. "I just wanted to call it a night, we've traversed the Seven Seas after all, I was exhausted."

The captain slapped his back, "Rightfully so. You've been a great help, brother. Speakin' of which, we oughtta get started on what we came here for. "

Gabriel stared blankly.

"To set up a military foothold. These nutjobs can continue doing whatever the hell they do to pass the time, but we have our orders. One third Tartessian soldiers--"

"And two thirds Gehennite converts. I remember."

The captain slapped his back again, "Good on ya. Now come, let us speak to some of these greenhorns."

Gabriel followed the captain down the rope ladders.

"There they are." He pointed to a group of men dressed in leather gabardines.

"Why don't they use chainmail?" Gabriel asked.

The captain scoffed, "Chain? Over 'ere in these parts? You saw with your own two eyes where all the money goes."

Gabriel sighed, and they walked over to the soldiers. They all looked fairly well built, and they seemed to handle their weapon confidently. The only exception was a young boy, who was short compared to the nearly six feet tall men. It seemed like his armor was extremely loose and did not fit him at all. But most poignantly, the boy seemed to be scowling straight at Gabriel. He of course noticed this, and decided to converse with him, "What is your name, boy?"

"Soldier. My name is Soldier Rakkah", he shouted, still scowling.

"Your new name?"

"Do not misunderstand, sir. The only reason I am a part of your religion is because I did not wish harm upon my mother. In our home, we respect our elders." He spit onto the ground in front of Gabriel.

The captain pulled out his sword and pointed it at Rakkah's neck, "Watch yer mouth, kid. Do ye know who yer speaking to?"

"All men are equal on this land, sir."

The captain edged his blade to the boy's neck, when he was stopped by Gabriel. "Let me speak with him. Lower your weapon, Mattheus."

The captain sheathed his weapon and walked away with the two other soldiers. The sun was shining bright at this point, and the sea breeze carried leaves across the landscape, which flew back towards the cliffs and descended down into the ocean like the feathers of a bird.

"Walk with me, boy."

Gabriel and Rakkah walked slowly up the hill.

"Tell me more about your culture."

Rakkah was taken aback, "Are you mocking me?"

Gabriel smiled, "If I were displeased with you, you would be dead already."

"And? Do you want my gratitude?"

"No. I want to know more about your land. This land. Gehenna."



"Iyr, that's the name of this land. It's named after our forefathers, our creators."

"Your creators?"

"You might not believe this, but your religion is not all there is. Your supreme Lord is merely one of the numerous Iyr'em that gave birth to this world by planting their seeds and fertilizing the land."

The word 'Iyr'em' sounded oddly familiar to Gabriel. He took a puff of his cigarette and sighed. They had now reached the highest point of the cliff.

"Do you see that, boy?" Gabriel gestured to the Sun over the horizon. Rakkah turned his eyes towards that direction unwillingly.

"All that lies beneath the Sun belongs to Tartessos. Your people may have your own culture and customs," Gabriel dropped his cigarette and stamped it out, "but you're a Tartessian soldier now. And do you know what that means?"

Rakkah looked upwards at Gabriel and scowled.

"It means that you now have the opportunity to make your own life. You do not need to follow our customs if you do not wish to, but the only person you will be doing a disservice to is yourself."

Rain began to pour as Gabriel stared off far into the horizon.

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