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'Where are you going?' a guard asked as sandor, rina and arya approached kings landing, approached the capital.

'I am arya stark and I am going to kill queen cersei.' the guard looked between them confused.

'Think about it, if she kills the queen this war is over won't be a siege might not even die tomorrow' Sandor told him

'I need to go talk to my captain'

'Go ahead and talk to him' Sandor said as they rode past.

'If you hear the bells that means they surender. Call off your men.' Tyrion begged them. As they waited for daenarys signal to strike. While arya, sandor and rina got closer and closer to what daenerys was about to destroy.

Sandor, Rina and arya pushed through the crowds just in time for the doors locking shut. Jaime was in the unlucky herd that didnt make it. Daenerys rained fire down on euron greyjoys fleet. Burning them to planks. The lannister army shot at the dragon but daenarys wasnt about to lose another child. Let them all burn.

Both armies stood at attention waiting for their queen to make a command. The sound of Daenerys burning the city could be heard but no one knew what it was until fire rain down breaking through the wall the unsullied army attacked as the Lannister army burned to the ground.

Lannister men that were not burned to ash dropped their swords seeing a losing battle. They screamed to ring the bells. To surrender. But both queens were not ready to give up. But the bells rang out. All throughout the captial. Bells of defeat rang out. But daenarys was filled with rage. She was going to burn kings landing to the ground. The unsuillied followed suit. Jon tried to stop them but no one was listening he was just a bastard in their eyes and their queen had spoken. They kept fighting until their queen said otherwise. Back and forth daenarys flew. Burning kings landing to the ground.

Sander, Rina and arya walked into a crumbling capital.

'Go home girl the fire will get her or one of the Dothraki, maybe that dragon will eat her.' sandor told arya. 'either way she's dead and you will be dead too if you don't get out of here.'

'I am going to kill her' arya told him.

'Arya hes right, don't die for that bitch.' Rina told her.

'Do you think you wanted revenge a long time? I've been wanting it all my life it's all I care about,' rina slapped him. 'killing my brother and marrying your sister. Two things in the world but I need to kill him so I can move on.' He corrected. But arya wasn't listening she tried to walk past him but he grabbed her arm. 'look at me. Look at me!' he demanded 'you wanna be like me? You come with me you die here' he told her and he walked away to find his brother.

'What about rina?' arya questioned

'He dies without me.' Rina told her

'You could die!'

'I cant live without him arya.' She hugged her sister. 'Dont die here.'


'I love you arya. Go. Live.' Rina remanded.

'Sandor.' He turned back to her 'thank you' she said he nodded before turning away she didn't want to die not here not for Cersei.

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