Chapter 4

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Adrienne's POV

I feel like I forgot my a$$h0le of a boyfriend existed until I heard my phone ring. Lyle was calling for some reason. I honestly do not want to answer it but again, my father will have my head if I don't. So I answered my phone.

'Yes?' I asked unenthusiastically.

There wasn't an answer, all I heard was air and the springs of a bed from the the other line. And then someone moa- oh. That's when I realized that the call was an accident.

Lyle accidentally hit his phone while screwing another woman.

I decided to record this conversation so one day, once I finally get the courage to break up with him in front of my father's face, I have evidence as to why. And if he doesn't allow it I could always post this. :)

I decided to read comics while the call was being recorded. I turned the volume on low so I wouldn't hear those unholy noises but I'd hear screams every now and then-


That doesn't sound like a woman...

Oh wait it is-

Wait why does it sound as if there's a dude to? And it certainly didn't sound like him.

The voice sound familiar. Both the man and woman's voices. I could easily recognize his, these 2 sound familiar.

I decided to shake away my thoughts because I might be wrong. After a couple minutes, I ended the call and saved the recording. I went downstairs to grab some food. When I went downstairs, I was surprised. Marinette was sitting on the couch.

'Marinette? Why are you here?' I asked.

'Oh, hey Adrienne. Felix asked me to come over so I did. He left a couple hours ago, though he told me to stay here since he'll be back tonight.' She said.

Honestly, I love that she's here but I usually forget why. Because she's with Felix. It stings. I know it's wrong that I have a crush on her while I'm in a relationship and so is she. But I'd rather have her here than not.

'Oh I see.' I responded.

'Mind if I play some music?' She asked.

'Yeah. Music's always a good mood starter.' I answered.

She smiled as she cheered. She took her phone and put on a song.

She's really cute honestly.

I chuckled and took some of the pastries she gave me yesterday. As I started to eat, I heard her singing. I giggled.

She danced at first then started to sing along to every bit of the song. 

After a while, the song will end. And mind you, am I tempted to sing along.

(Song: The Wall Between Us/Ce Mur Qui Nous Separe sang by Lou and Lenni Kim for Miraculous)

'Je sais qu'un jour on s'envolera
Car mon amour, un jour tu verras
Qu'auprès de moi tu deviendras toi~~~'

(Translation: I know that one day we will fly away my love, one day you will see t hat with me you will become yourself.)

I laughed at how cute she is.

Screw it. I'm singing along.

I grabbed the flashlight and used it as a microphone and sang along.

'Je ne comprends pas ce que je veux
Je ne peux pas tomber amoureux
D'où vient ce sentiment mystérieux?'

(Translation: I don't understand what I want. I can't fall in love. Where does this mysterious feeling come from?)

I went over to her and we shared the flashlight and sang together. We sounded good. 👍

'Nous serons réunis dans la nuit
Comme dans le jour où tout ce qui brille
Sera notre amour à l'infini

Malgré ce grand mur qui nous sépare
L'amour traverse de part en part
Nous sommes ensemble une force rare~~~~

Pour toi je patienterai tout une vie
Car oui je t'aime, à la folie
Je t'aimerai à l'infini~'

(Translation: We'll be together in the night. Like in the day when all that shines. Will be our infinite love

Despite this great wall that separates us, love goes right through. We are together a rare force 

For you I will wait a lifetime, because I love you madly. I will love you infinitely.)

As the song finished, we looked at each other and laughed. Laughed to the point we could barely breath.

'Ok, that was fun.' Said Marinette between laughs.

'Yeah it was.' I answered.

We continued laughing until we were finally able to breathe.

'You're a good singer Sweetheart.' Said Marinette.

'So are you Little Lady.' I responded.

I decided to ask her how she met Felix. I took a deep breath.

'Hey did you meet Felix?' I asked.

That's when I noticed something suspicious.

After I asked her that, she tensed and her breath hitched to. She just smiled.

'He w-went to Coccinelle Bleue. I met him there.' She responded.

Her eyes looked scared.

My mother always said that eyes show a lot of emotions in them. If you can read those, you can see whether someone is happy, sad, unsure, lying, honest or scared. But it's not my place to ask least not as of now.

'Ok...' I said, not wanting her to realize that I have some suspicions. 

'Hey, wanna watch something?' She asked.

'Sure! What though?' I answered.

'Hm...have you seen the movie More the Blue? It's a really sad one.' She said.

'No I haven't.' I replied.

'Well the, come on.' She said as she dragged me to watch the movie.

She turned on the TV and started to look for it on Netflix. I decided to go grab some popcorn while she's looking for the movie.

'Hey Little Lady, I'm gonna go grab some popcorn.' I said.

'Sure.' She said.

I went to get popcorn as I watched her look for the movie. I chuckled at the sight. She looks so cute.

I got the popcorn and went back to the living room. I stared at her for a bit. Damn, she's gorgeous. But then, my thoughts went back to my relationship with Lyle and hers with Felix. I know it's wrong liking someone in a relationship, let alone one with my own cousin, and I'm in a relationship too. This is just so complicated.

'Trouble in paradise?' Asked Marinette, catching me off guavrd.

'Can you tell?' I asked.

'Your eyes tell me that.' Said Marinette.

See? Eyes can show you a lot!

'Just wondering.' I answered.

'He's cheating on you isn't he?' She asked.

My eyes widened. 'How did you-'

'Lucky guess.' She responded.

'Well you like Ladybugs soooo....guess you won't run out of luck. You can spot an oppurtunity when you see it.' I joked.

She giggled. 'You're quite the jokester aren't you. But it looks like your comedic timing needs work.'

I smiled.

Maybe just staying friends won't be as painful as it I think.

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