1. Princess

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The room around you was dark. Dark, and damp. Head pounding, and nauseous roiling in your belly, you pulled yourself up onto your side. Dust hung heavy in the air around you, making you cough and splutter. Where am I? Looking around, it appeared to be some kind of cell. The walls were made of a dark stone, or at least it looked dark. There was no window, and a tall gate-like door made of thick bars stood across from you. Panic began to seep into your bones, turning you cold from the inside out. Pain bloomed and screeched from beside your temple. You reached a hand up toward it, and gasped as your fingers met something thick, congealed and dry around the edges.


The moment at the lake rushed back to you, knocking the little air you had left from your lungs. There had been a man, in a black balaclava. His eyes were pitch black in the reflection from the lake, as if there were no light in them whatsoever. And his voice - his voice may have been the most chilling you had ever heard. Deep, and low, and grumbling. As if he wished to let you know he wanted to harm you before he actually did so. And harm you he had, if the deep gash on your head was any indication.

Was this what your parents had been protecting you from? Angry, threatening men who wandered the world in search of young girls to hurt? You felt suddenly stupid. And extremely, extremely scared. Tears pricked your eyes, hot and stinking. Why had you been such a fool? Going out in the middle of the night by yourself? With nothing to protect yourself with?

Your arms were too weak to hold you up, and you collapsed back against the cold wall. 

"Careful there, princess."

If you had been frightened before, now you were utterly terrified. Because a few feet away, obscured by the darkness beyond your cell, stood the man who put you here in the first place. You knew that voice.

"Princess? Really?"

Oh. You didn't know that one.

It was gruffer than the first, less malicious but somehow more aggressive sounding. Either way, you could tell it was not a voice to be happy to hear. Despite his gentle cajoling of his companion, you were not duped into thinking this was a friendly person for a single second.

"Why did you use a bat, idiot?" The gruff voice spoke once more. "If you'd hit her too hard, you could have killed her. The orders were capture, not murder. We need her alive if she's going to be a bargaining chip."

"I can control my strength. Unlike you, I'm not a brute." The other voice said. Not a brute? Are you not clinically sane, either? "Besides, there's nothing in that pretty little head worth saving anyway. She'd probably be easier to subdue if she had brain damage."

"You think her parents are going to want her back with brain damage?" The gruff voice was becoming more pissed, now. "She's the final piece to their little puzzle. She needs a brain for what they wanted." The other voice hummed, considering. 

"Does he know she's here yet?"

"Yes. He's on his way. I expect he'll want to get started with the negotiations ASAP."

"Okay. Let's go then. I have stuff to do." They began to walk away, footsteps receding.

"Wait!" Your voice was hoarse, and a little more desperate than you had intended. But fear had you by the throat at this point, cutting off your airway and your ability to speak properly. "Where am I? Why am I here? What are you talking about-about my parents fo-"

The gate clanged open as a laugh sounded. You shrunk further into the wall, if that was even possible. Why had you provoked him? Why couldn't you just stay quiet?

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