22. Free Falling

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Jungkook fell to a crouch directly beside you, gun already lifted and aimed straight at your Father. You inched toward him, barely, as he rose to his full height, army-style boots planted steadily in the soft carpet. He winced - just the tiniest bit, as the action tugged at his still-healing wound. The movement was so small that you were sure your Father had missed it. 

WHAT is he doing here? Still injured!?

Before you could turn to Jungkook with a heaving reprimand on your tongue, his other hand snaked around your waist, pulling you into his side. You had forgotten how tall he was, since the last time you saw him he had been sprawled in a hospital bed, and the way he towered over you as he glowered at your Father made something warm settle in your lower belly. His sable eyes seemed to smoulder slightly from within as his eyes remained glued to the man opposite him.

In the havoc of the window caving in, your Mother had dived for cover behind the far side of the desk, screaming bloody murder. Her keen eyes peeked over the top, slowly, and came to rest on Jungkook. On the way his hand rested possessively along the curve of your hip.  

He stared back. And you realised, with a slight jolt - which Jungkook answered by tightening his grip even further - that this look, this anger he was directing at your parents wasn't the same anger he had been throwing at you before your bashfully crafted, new friendship had formed that day. It was only now that you could see the difference, after having seen both expressions.

To you, he had been stormy, sure. Wary. He had watched you with clear suspicion, probably the way anyone would watch a random young woman traipsing around their house. Especially when that house happened to belong to a group of A-rate vigilantes. 

But this?

This was cold, pure fury. 

That was what simmered in his gaze. 

It was also what made your Mother look as though she had seen a ghost. 

"If you don't mind," Jungkook's unconcerned voice said, evidently deciding the terse silence had gone on too long. "We'll be going now."

But he made no move to leave. Without looking at you, he pulled on your hip so you turned more in toward him, and reached his arm fully around you. The cold, leather straps of the harness clipped around his torso pressed into your bare arms, sending a shiver through you.

Yeah, that's definitely what's making me shiver. Not that we're basically having a cuddle right now. Not at all.

When he was finish manoeuvring you as he saw fit, your front was pressed to his. If you looked straight ahead, your eyes would land on the strong column of his neck, golden skin rising above the sleek black turtleneck he wore. You turned your head, keeping your gaze on your parents as the steady rhythm of Jungkook's heart pounded gently against his chest, vibrating into yours. 

Your Father let out a mirthful laugh, head tipping back just enough that he could still keep his eyes on the two of you. 

"Now, what makes you think you're going anywhere?"

Jungkook stayed silent, observing your Father with a blank look, mouth pressed into a grim line.  Your Father, unruffled, continued speaking as if he was a teacher berating a naughty student.

"Y/n here was just about to tell me all about your little.." he sneered, mouth curling as if readying to spit out poison. "Group. Club. Whatever you want to call it."

Your gaze shot to Jungkook, a denial hovering in the back of your throat, but he beat you to it. He let out a bored sigh, flicking his head slightly to push his bangs out of his eyes.

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