16. Poker Night

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And then, with a rumbling hum under his breath, his feet turned around. And walked him straight out of the office. 

You stayed there, eyes wide and hand pressed firmly over your lips for ages. An hour, maybe. Because walking back out into that hall and coming face to face with your father was not worth the risk. 

When you had escaped back down the hall and into the silent comfort of your own bedroom, you were immediately back on the phone, texting the new information to Jin on the other end.

Y/n: Sorry it went silent, he came into the office. 

The reply came instantly.

SJ: Jesus. Are you okay?

And then,

Find anything?

Y/n: An email with my name as the subject. It said 'she's back, everything will go ahead as planned'. It came from phw1970_pol_kor@naver.net.

SJ: I'll get Yoongi to look into it. Well done, Y/n. Now get some sleep.

Sighing, you leant back against the pillows, flicking your bedside light off. Maybe it was the stress of nearly being caught, or just the fact that it was 3am, but this time, you finally managed to drift off. The hair clip was firmly pressed into the palm of your hand.


You woke the next morning to the soft buzz of the cell phone under the pillow. Bleary eyed, you pulled it out to see a text from the person you least expected. 

JK: Are you awake?

Y/n: I am now. Are you okay? How is your wound?

JK: Sorry if I woke you. I'm doing better. Well enough to be put on babysitting duty, anyway.

Scoffing, you punched your next reply more harshly into the phone, the early morning making you particularly spiteful.

Y/n: You want another wound?

A quiet knock came from the door and you shoved the cell phone under your blankets, laying down and rubbing a hand over your face. 

"Y/n?" Your Mom peered around the door, holding a mug. Tendrils of steam curled up over the ceramic. "Oh, good, you're awake." She swept into the room, flinging open the curtains as you screwed your eyes shut against the onslaught of bright light. She set the mug down on the bedside table and sat down beside you, smoothing a hand over your leg above the blanket. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

"Tired. A little hungry, too." You pulled yourself up, adding in a groan and a yawn for good measure. "Can we make breakfast?"

"Of course. Pancakes?" At your smiley nod, she hopped off the bed and headed out, clapping her hands excitedly. "Freshen up and come help." Watching until the hallway was clear, you grabbed the phone and headed into the bathroom. Evidently hearing that your Mom had left on the other end of the line, Jungkook's reply buzzed gently in your palm.

JK: Too soon, Y/n. Too soon.

Starting to brush your teeth, you replied with one hand.

Y/n: :) 

Y/n: I'm going to put the hair clip in my pocket. If I wear it again all day today they're going to find it weird. 

JK: Okay. Try and make it a loose pocket if you can. I'll be here if you need anything.

When you finally made it down to the kitchen, the pancake batter was waiting for you on the counter. Sipping the tea your Mom had brought you, you headed to the stove and flicked on the gas. Rustling came from the pantry behind you.

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