6. The Pit

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"So, Y/n. How about that tour now?" Taehyung's grin shone back at you, perfect teeth shining in the bright kitchen light. The table was cleared of the breakfast spread, and the other six had left, grumbling about work. You could only watch in silence as they went, your skin cold at what exactly their idea of 'work' was. And then, bless him, Taehyung had drawn the short straw. Having to keep an eye on you. Smiling back at him, you nodded. A tour would be a good distraction.

He began on the bottom floor, leading you out of the kitchen through a different door and into a gorgeous, open plan living room. It was cosy, with wooden furniture and several plump, grey couches. Books and magazine were piled haphazardly onto the coffee table. It looked lived in. Homely. Somehow such a far cry from your own family home. French doors led out onto a patio strewn with deck chairs and sun-loungers, dark woods lurking beyond. 

Huh. The murderers have time to tan in-between clients. Who could have guessed. 

An open garage lay over to the left, the hood of a sapphire blue SUV peeking out. Weird. That's not the car we drove here in. Taehyung's hand latched around your upper arm, pulling you from your vantage point staring into the garden.

"Come on, Y/n," he mumbled. Leading you back through the kitchen the way you came, toward the staircase. He pointed to a large door to the right, sunlight streaming though the gap underneath. "Library's in there."

A library?

Oh, you were definitely going to be checking that out later. Maybe being stuck with the murdering psychopaths wouldn't be so bad, after all.

"The bedrooms upstairs," he continued, leaning against the bannister. "Belong to me, Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung, Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung and.. you, I guess." He smiled gently. "Jungkook and Jimin are on the top floor. The attic was converted for them when we first got this place." You started up the stairs, assuming there was more to see.

"Hm, what else is up there?" You mused quietly. There was no reply.

In fact, there was nobody there. "Taehyung?" You asked, unease settling low in your belly. A brown mop of hair popped up down the side of the staircase, boxy grin and mischief-laden eyes soon following.

"Down here. You haven't even seen the best bit yet." His smile was blinding, and so genuine that you couldn't help but return the grin. Migrating down the stairs and toward him, you came face to face with a big, white..


"Uh, Taehyung," you began, confusion clear in your voice. "Am I supposed to be seeing something here?"

"I don't know, Y/n," he winked, leaning against the wall. He pushed back with some force, and a hiss resounded in the small space. "Are you?"

The wall in front of you split, a tall rectangle creating an indentation. The rectangle - no, door - shuddered lightly as it slid into the wall, revealing a metal box large enough to fit 20 people. Taehyung bounded straight in, excitement clear in his step. Apprehensively, you followed.

"It's an elevator." He laughed. He closed the gap between you, leaning down so his breath gently tickled the arch of your ear. "A secret one. Can you keep a secret, Y/n?" He murmured. There it was again. That traitorous, persistent shiver trailing down your spine. Feeling a flush creep up your neck, you nodded. Taehyung leant forward, pressing a hand to a screen secured to the wall. A silver glow pulsed around the outline of his fingers, and a strange tittering came from the machine. He pressed another button, and the door slid shut. The elevator hummed quietly as it began to move downward.

"This is.." you began, awed at the technology you were seeing. "Just how rich are you guys?" Taehyung only grinned wider at your incredulous expression, placing a light hand on your shoulder. 

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