21. Armageddon

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An unseemly grunt left you as you were squashed between a large, hard body and the grass. The gunfire surrounding you continued; pounding against your skin and your skull as it rattled. Twisting, you made eye contact with Taehyung where he lay across you, spread eagled to keep your form pinned to the ground. He sent you a boxy grin that you could only respond to with wet eyes. Relief sank through you like a pebble through a lake, leaving you shaking and on the verge of tears.

They came.

They came.

They came.

It was all you could think; the only coherent thought your muddled brain could form as you pressed your face into the ground, witnessing the chaos unfold. From your vantage point, you watched as Hoseok advanced on the attendees with lithe fierceness. The many guns you had spotted on your walk down the aisle had been withdrawn at the first shot through Mr Park's skull, aiming directly for the four shadows cutting across the grass.

Panic curled in your gut like a snake waiting to strike as three men advanced on Namjoon at once. It settled there, waiting. But barely a second passed before the three men were down, clutching at thighs and shoulders or not moving at all. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you were a bit in awe of him. Somewhere, you were in shock. You almost couldn't connect the two; the calm, kind man who had given you a warm bed and a shoulder to lean on, and the slick, proficient killer making light work of Mr Park's men. 

But if Namjoon was impressive, Hoseok was a whole other level. But you had known this since the first day you saw him. And it was the same dancer who shot through the crowd now, disabling man after man with his two twin handguns. 

Jin tread lightly up behind Namjoon, and the two began to move as a unit, feet steady and secure as they eyed both sides of the garden. Another figure, face covered by a balaclava, was making more use of his fists than his gun. Silver rings winked in the afternoon sun as he punched a much larger man square on the jaw. He fell to the ground, screaming, and you noticed with horror that his jaw was not where it should be. Continuing to watch the man as he stalked through the crowd, your eyes fell to the curve of his shoulders. The way the slacks he wore fit snugly around his thighs was familiar, somehow. Like you had seen it before. 

"Jimin," you breathed, realisation dawning.

"Hm?" Taehyung's hum rumbled through his chest and into your back as he murmured into your ear. Following your eyeline, he continued. "Oh. He's wearing that so nobody recognises him."

Of course, you thought. The undercover policeman.

"Y/n," Taehyung shuffled slightly above you, hands coming to rest tightly around the swell of your hips. You exhaled roughly. "In a moment, Namjoon Hyung is going to give us a signal, and you are going to run. Go behind the awning and run straight. There's a fabric ladder over the wall behind the tree line. Yoongi Hyung is waiting in the van." He kept his voice low as he slid slowly, almost imperceptibly down the length of your body. In the haze of the adrenaline rush, you would have thought it would be easy to ignore how smoothly he moved. How all the hard parts of him whispered against the soft parts of you.  

It was not easy to ignore.

"What-" you began, awkwardly twisting so that your face was looking into his, a mere few inches away. In the momentary pause that hung between the two of you, Taehyung's throat constricted in a barely visible swallow. "What are you going to do?"

He grinned again, his expression becoming teasing. "Well," he murmured, eyes flitting to his comrades. "I can't let them have all the fun, can I?" You opened your mouth to speak again, but there was no time.

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