Chapter 3

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*third pov*

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*third pov*

"I see you are still thinking about us Howell I'm honored." I recognized that voice anywhere I mean how could I not It belonged to the Hailee Steinfeld...

"In your dreams Seinfeld, not everyone is a big fan of you." the older Howel sister snickered, but to the girl's surprise, had a smirk appear on the actress's face. "yeah i know but you're not one of them, now are you." remarked the Steinfeld girl making a light shade of pink appear on Jennifers face. unfortunately for the girl, her friends gestured to each other to leave the two girls alone to hopefully break the tension.

the two just sat in an awkward silence not knowing what to say to each other. "soo... how have you been lately." the Howell said awkwardly trying to start a conversation, but the brunette next to her just huffed annoyed. "why would you care." she replied back, but the younger dancer didn't believe that's what she really meant to say. if she was honest she could tell the older girl was hiding something and it was easy to see it in her eyes and how they were avoiding making eye contact with her.

"Why do you hate me so much i didn't do anything to you." that question got Hailee to look at the girl next to her for the first time in a while tonight.

"that's the problem you didn't do anything when you first sat next to me in class you didn't fan girl over me and ask a bunch of questions. and when i was rude to your friends and asked you to leave them to be friends with me, you stuck up for them and told me off which no one had done before afraid that i would hate them. and tonight you weren't afraid to stand up to me. so the point of this is that i don't hate you i could never hate you, you're the only person who didn't treat me like I'm the Hailee Steinfeld."

after the confession, the two talked normally with each other without any hateful words or tones in their voice and while Hailee tok a bunch of shots Jennifer kept an eye on her." wow our friends left us here alone and now i have no ride home and my house keys are in beccas car great." Hailee explained sarcastically but also almost falling down from all the alcohol she consumed. "i mean you could come over to my house and stay the night there you are to drunk to walk home." the dancer offered and the actress just nodded into space not really paying attention.

"okay come on Steinfeld we can't stay here all night." with that, they were on their way to the Howell's house.


"come on hailee you have to get ready for bed." Jennifer exclaimed but the older girl wouldn't listen to her. "have I ever told you I love your eyes." the drunk girl giggled out right before she flopped down on the bed in the guest room and fell asleep right away. "what am I going to do with you." the Howell whispered to herself..

" the Howell whispered to herself

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Not their kind-hailee steinfeld x oc discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now