Chapter 7

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༄the first date༄

༄the first date༄

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*Third pov*

"so does that mean I can take you out on a date tomorrow?" the younger girl asked with hope in her eyes. "yes yes you can, so what time are you picking me up," she replied teasingly. "calm down Steinfeld I haven't even though about that ill text you in the morning or later when i have figured it out," Jennie exclaimed to the other girl which she only hummed in response before they went back to just talking about anything and everything.

ever since yesterday, Hailee had been a nervous wreck but she was also excited to so what Jennie had come up with. she knew that whatever it was it was going to be fun, it always was whenever the two hung out. If Hailee knew that she was that fun to be around when she was 13 she would have become friends with her a long time ago. she felt really bad for what she had done to the girl the previous years and she honestly kinda felt embarrassed by the fact that they haven't been more mature and they had just now become friends.

Hailee always kinda knew that she had liked her but she just didn't want to admit that to herself before now. the whole reason she was even that mean to her friends in middle school was that she wanted to be the first and only friend the girl had at school so that she would only hang out with her and not Chloe and Jenna. If Jennifer ever found out about what she had been thinking about her all this time and that all the flirtiness and teasing was genuine she would never hear the end of it from her. Hailee just hoped that none of her friends nor family would tell the young dancer the truth.

right as when the girl was getting deep into her own thoughts she was pulled out of them by the sound of the doorbell ringing in her ears. she rushed to the door and tried to calm herself down before opening the door to see the girl she had just thought about standing there with lilies in her hand which brought a smile to her face remembering that she had told her that she loved lilies because they reminded her of Emily Dickinson and because they represent death, purity and innocence. "you remembered." the actress said with a big smile on her face. "of course I did." Jennie replied and handed Hailee the flowers.


"Wait, hold up, so your telling me the reason you were so mean was that you liked me." the young dancer asked laughing so hard from what she had just heard. the two had just bought cotton candy from one of the food booths at the amusement park they were at. "hey could you blame me everyone loved you and I would never have gotten your attention if I didn't." the older brunette said with scarlet red shade painted on her cheeks, which just made Jennie laugh even more. "you would have gotten my attention anyways we sat next to each other in every class we had with each other which was a lot it was like faith just wanted us to be together. plus I found you cute even though you were so rude." the light-haired brunette exclaimed which made the other one raise an eyebrow at her.

"what do you mean found do you want to tell me something," Hailee questioned teasingly. "oh ha ha very funny, but you know what I meant," Jennie explained in a joking defensive manner. the two just kept on teasing each other the whole date but they also had some cute moments too which was nice but as the day come to an end they had to say their goodbyes. so now they were standing outside of hailees front door. "I had fun today." Hailee explained with a small smile on her lips looking slightly down at the shorter girl. "so did I, we should do it again soon." the shorter girl said to the other girl which she nodded in response.

there was a silence that filled the air but it wasn't awkward it was a comfortable one, which happened quite a lot when they hung out together. "um I should probably go now I have to film tomorrow." Hailee exclaimed which made Jennifer snap back into reality from drifting off because she was thinking about the day she just had with the brunette. "oh yes of course i should also probably go home now." before they said their last goodbye for the night they shared a short soft kiss. but after that they actually said their last goodbyes before heading their own ways for the night.

 but after that they actually said their last goodbyes before heading their own ways for the night

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Not their kind-hailee steinfeld x oc discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now