Chapter 5

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༄worried parents༄

༄worried parents༄

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*third povs*

when Hailee arrived home she noticed that martini was laying in the middle of the living room while her parents looked very worried and her father was pacing around, while her brother griffin was trying to comfort her mother. But until they noticed that she was there and they tackled her into a hug. " where have you been, we were so worried." hailees father Pete exclaimed. "Im sorry i got drunk last night and we ran into Jennifer and her friends, I was busy talking to Jennifer and when we decided to leave we found out that Becca had already left and my keys were in her car, but don't worry I'm okay is stayed at Jennifer's house and she drove me here."  the brunette said to the parents.

"wait, Jennifer as in Jennifer Howell, I thought you hated her and her friends. And also the last time I checked they hated you too." griffin said in confusion. "we did but we made up now and I guess we are sort of friends now." The youngest Seinfeld sibling explained simply while placing down her keys on the kitchen counter and then she takes an apple from the fruit bowl that was on the kitchen counter. her family looked at her confused at the fact that she was actually eating a fruit for the first time in a while. "okay well I'm gonna go up to my room now." and with that, she was on her way up to her bedroom in need for a quick nap.


Hailee woke up to a notification popping up on her phone. half asleep she checked what the notification was and saw that she had slept thru the whole day and that it was now morning. but she also saw that the notification she had gotten was a text from Jennifer asking her to hang out at her house today. Hailee could feel herself starting to smile at the text and felt a weird tingle in her stomach starting to grow. when she realized that she had gotten caught up on the feeling and hadn't responded to jennies text she simply replied that she would love to and that she would be there in about an hour or so.

the brunette got out of bed and went straight to her walk-in closet trying to find something comfortable to wear but also something that looked nice. after a few minutes of trying to look for a good outfit, she decided on a loose pair of black jeans and a white crop top. after she got dressed and finished her make up she went down the stairs to get some food in her stomach before she left and she also needed to feed a martini before she left. she saw that her parents were already up and in the kitchen making themself breakfast. "hey honey did you sleep well." hailees mother asked noticing that she has entered the kitchen. "I slept well thanks for asking." the young actress said with a small smile and got some vanilla yogurt out of the fridge.

"would you like some waffles they are almost done," Pete asked his daughter. "no thanks I'm just about to head out." her parents looked at her confused not remembering anything happening today. "oh where are you going?" her mother wondered. "I'm just going to Jennifer's house to hang out." Hailee explained after taking the last spoon full of her vanilla yogurt before throwing it in the trash can. "okay but just be back before tomorrow or if you are going to stay the night let us know so we don't get heart attacks." the older man said and pulling his daughter into a small hug. " I will don't worry but I have to go now bye," Hailee said before grabbing her house keys and her car keys and then going out of the house.

on her way to Jennifer's house, Hailee was listing to her playlist so she wouldn't get bored even though it was only ten minutes away. when Hailee arrived and rang the doorbell she was instantly treated by Jennie who gave her a big hug which she instantly melted into. " I know that it has only been a day but I've missed you so much" the dancer whispered into the hug before pulling away from the taller girl. when Jennie pulled away all Hailee wanted to do is pull her back into the hug and never let go of her which to some people would sound creepy but not to her. " don't worry I've missed you too, so what are we going to do." the older girl asked her new friend who was looking at her with an adorable smile that was from now on Hailee's favorite smile that she had ever seen.

"We would maybe watch a movie, you know we could have a harry potter marathon I have a bunch of snacks in my pantry that I can't finish myself." Jennie offered, making Hailee look at her with a big smile and giving her a nod since she loved the harry potter movies. the two girls got all the snacks from the pantry and got cozy together under a blanket that they shared. Hailee had already sent a message to her parents that she would stay over at jennies house for the night so they wouldn't get worried about her.

 Hailee had already sent a message to her parents that she would stay over at jennies house for the night so they wouldn't get worried about her

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Not their kind-hailee steinfeld x oc discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now