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The Collector, after running into a tree or 2, stood in a clearing, with the sun shining around them, despite them not really liking the sun as much as the moon. They breathed in a huff of fresh air, stretching their new limbs once again. "Freedom at least! Finally my rhyme has come to pass. Now I can explore this new version world..... Err, and I won't waste it and swirl? Bah, going to have to think of something better." The Collector laughed to themselves as they walked over to a nearby tree. "Oh Oakington, I remember you my dear friend. There's even that scar I left on you." The Collector pressed their hand onto a small light part of the tree, before frowning. "Aw what you don't recognize me? Why it's me, you're good old pal-"

"The Collector."

"Yeah what she sa- wait what-"

Suddenly, abomination goop wrapped around The Collector and yanked them back, getting an 'eep' out of them. They laid on the ground and looked up to see a certain lavender haired witch, who was not looking too pleased at them.

"Oh hello there miss Blight, what brings you-"

"Shut it." Amity cut him off. "This can go two ways. One, I drag you back to the Owl House. Two, you unpossess Luz right now and never come back again."

"Hmmm, such a hard choice, as does life. But I think I'mma go for option three!" The Collector suddenly phased out of their binds and appeared a little bit away, stumbling a bit. "Ohwoahhohoho... I need to get used to that again- AGH!"

The Collector barely managed to dodge another grab attempt from Amity, who's face was still as cold as before. 

"Alright then, option one and four it is then."

"H-Huh? What's option fo-"

"KICKING YOUR ASS!" Like a band aid getting ripped off, all of Amity's composure ceased to be, her face getting a small hint of red.

Amity shot herself forward and created an abomination fist, smacking The Collector straight in the face and knocking them into a tree. Amity wrapped some abomination around them but they easily teleported away again.

The Owl House: MirrorsWhere stories live. Discover now