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If they keep this up, this story will be 50% intermissions.

So, Dutchmill is an F4 event. Thus my expectation was that Brightwin moments would be subtle and controlled. It would take detective skills to notice the looks or the brief touches.

Boy was I wrong. The boys were flirting right in front of our yogurts.

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Context: Host asked Win to tell a joke but he decided to give a pickup line

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Context: Host asked Win to tell a joke but he decided to give a pickup line. Andddd he turns to Bright after saying it. Poor Dew and Nani, third wheeling again. 😂

Win sings Ten Years Later and says this

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Win sings Ten Years Later and says this. Bright very readily agrees.

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And now for the most eye brow raising part of the event

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And now for the most eye brow raising part of the event.

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Essentially Bright loves the fact that he can finally sing while sitting in an event

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Essentially Bright loves the fact that he can finally sing while sitting in an event.

Win teases him, "want to sing in your sleep next?"

But the Thai word for sing they both used is the same Thai word for moan. 🌚🌚🌚🌚

Win whatttttt -


Who can top this???

Who can top this???

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