Chapter 1: Start Living

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Your P.O.V.: It has been over six months since I became one of Yato's regalia.
In all honesty, it truly isn't bad, even though others think it is. I mean, living in an actual shrine with plenty of worshippers would be nice, but.. this is good too. I only say that because... well, now I'm happy. Happy for a straight six months. Without a care in the world, except for my devotion to Yato.. and the need to know what my past life was like.
It was never explained how I ended up with the jersey-wearing god and his kid regalia, but I knew this wasn't the only life I've ever lived, and it probably wasn't for Yukine either.
I was shaken from my thoughts by an impatient Yukine who was sitting beside me.
"Wha..? Hm??" You said, blinking several times while trying to collect your mind.
"I was.. uh.. asking if you wanted to maybe go for a walk?" Yukine said, nervously looking down at his twiddling fingers.
So far, you and Yukine were the same age, which made things a lot easier when it came to interacting with each other. When you first met, you both hit it off instantly, and rarely argued.
You smiled and nodded your head.
"Sure. Where are we going?" You asked popping up from your previous seat on the concrete curb.
Yukine joined you, his height falling slightly below yours.
"I dunno. Yato hasn't called us for a job, and I think Hiyori is at school. How about... we go to the river?" Yukine suggested, your (e/c) hues lighting up when the word 'river' slipped past his lips.
That was your favorite place to go, but you couldn't explain why. Something just urged you to like it, even if all you we're doing was sticking your feet in a weak current.
"Lets go there." You quickly speed mumbled, grabbing his wrist, and pulling him behind you as you jogged towards the river.
You both sat next to each other, you with your knees held in your arms, and Yukine had spread out his arms and legs.
The water moistened your feet, and was cool and gentle, something else you enjoyed but couldn't explain.
"Hey... (Y/n)..?" You looked over to a wandering eyed-Yukine.
"Yeah?" You asked placing your left hand in the water attempting to block a sample of the rushing current.
"Why do you like this river so much?"
You froze for a second, as you were unaware that Yukine knew of your love for such a place, but also because.. you just didn't know.
"Honestly, I don't know. Something about it.. just feels familiar to me." You said honestly.
The river felt like home to you, considering you didn't have one. It was the place that you went to most often other than Tenjin's shrine.
"Do you think that.. maybe before you died, you liked coming here?"
Your head whipped in the direction of Yukine, a frown suddenly falling upon your face.
Your life before this one was always briefly mentioned, and Yato never explained it to you. There wasn't much you knew about it, only that you'd died at the early age of fourteen, just as Yukine had.
A single tear cascaded down your cheek, as you looked back to the river.
"(-(Y/n)!! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry, I ju-"
You cut Yukine off, shaking your head.
"No, its not that, its just that... I wanna know, Yukine."
Yukine scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion.
"You wanna know what?"
"I wanna know what happened before I became a regalia... Before all of this happened. I wanna know what happened before I died." You said, turning to him, and staring into his sunset orbs.
He blushed, quickly looking away from you, and scratching the back of his neck.
"So do I.."
"Then lets do it. Lets figure out what happened to us.. c'mon, we deserve to know!" you excitedly exclaimed, placing your hand on his, thus earning a red glow on both of your cheeks.
Yukine suddenly looked down, and pulled his hand away from you, which triggered a slight sting in your chest.
"But we're both dead now, anyway. What good is it to learn about the things we had before, or how we died? What happens after? We let the phantoms lure us into the sin of wanting our old lives back?"
Yukine's words hurt you, as more tears poured out of your eyes.
"You don't even want to know what your real name is, Yukine?"
He looked at you again, shock crossing his face.
"Please, Yukine, help me. I just.. I just wanna know." You pleaded with him, changing the subject.
His features softened, as he moved his hand to slightly touch yours.
"I'll help you... Just because.. I don't wanna feel like I'm dead anymore. I wanna feel alive."
A smile spread widely across your face, as you pulled Yukine into a hug, and nuzzled your face against his neck. "Oh Yukine!! Thanks so much!!"
At first he was embarrassed, his arms hanging stiffly at his sides. But when he realized what he had just commited to doing for himself and for you, he wrapped his arms limply around your torso. It made him feel more alive...

Yayyy first chapter!! Do you guys love it?? Hate it?? Mm?? Let me know in the comments! I plan to have the next chapter up very soon! Please vote and rate!! Love you guys!!- Drama Typhoon

~Angels can't die~ Yukine x Reader Noragami fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now