Chapter 5:Conflicted

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Listen to this song with the little icon in the corner! I think it goes really well with this chapter! (P.s. if you've seen the fault in our stars, you'll recognize it!) Any who, enjoy the chapter!

Your P.O.V.:
You spent your week conflicted over your feelings about Yukine.
I should've just told him then!
You thought over and over, but still you didn't tell him.
You couldn't just have pent up feelings about Yukine all the time.
You had other things to focus on, like still finding your past, and carrying out jobs for Yato.
You had to do something, and you had to do it quick.
The sound of Yato's voice frightened you, as you yelped and fell out of the chair you were sitting in.
You rubbed your back, and nervously looked at Yato, as you knew he was fully aware of the dilemma you were dealing with by yourself.
"I can't let you do this to yourself, you know. It doesn't just hurt you, it hurts me too." He said, calmly peeling back his sleeve to reveal he large spreadings of blight caused by you.
Your heart seized at the thought of giving Yato pain, as you put your head in your hands.
"I'm so sorry, Yato..."
He walked over to your position on the floor, and ruffled your hair, messing up the neat ponytail that it was in.
"This is why I didn't want you to worry so much about your past. I didn't do it because I don't want you to know, it's because if you and Yukine found out..." He paused at that thought, his baby blue orbs drifting to the floor along with your thoughts.
"..What?" You looked at him, curious to hear the answer.
"Nothing. You don't need to know that either." He said as his hand left your head, and h e went to exit.
He stopped at the doorway, and looked back at you, his eyes almost pleading.
"Please tell Yukine how you feel."
"Thanks, Daikoku!!" You and Yukine shouted to the regalia of the god of poverty, and began walking down the street.
You hadn't talked to Yukine much, because you couldn't. Everytime you tried, you got stopped up.
"Yato just wants us to meet up back at Tenjin's place, right?" You silently questioned him.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and nodded.
There was then an uncomfortable silence that was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
The only sound that intervened was the conversating pedestrians that walked beside the both of you.
"We should stop trying to discover our pasts, Yukine." You bursted out, immediately looking in the opposite direction of him.
"Why the hell would we do that?" You heard him annoyingly spat.
"Yato was right. As soon as I figured out the tiniest bit of my past, I wanted it back, and I can't have it. It only hurts."
He glared, stopping right in the middle of the sidewalk, amongst the bustling pedestrians.
"You know what hurts? Knowing that I could have had a family. You know what hurts? Trying to remember that family because I forgot about them." His voice rose along with the levels of his anger.
You still looked down, not responding to his angry rant.
Yukine shook his head, and continued walking again.
"You keep giving up, (Y/n). I can only expect that you don't want to know what your past is like."
Your heart almost dropped as those words slipped out of Yukine's mouth, and you immediately felt the need to defend yourself.
"No, I just don't want to hurt Yato! He's the only family we've got. We hurt him, and there's no one left."
Yukine raised an eyebrow at you, as he seemed skeptical about your retort.
"That's not the only thing you're worried about, is it?"
You hesitated before answering, considering a lie.
"Of course that's all I'm worried about!"
You lied through your teeth, the guilt immediately weighing in on you.
He looked at you as he always did, with those eyes that could get you to do anything.
You immediately looked away from him, opting to focus on the strings on your hoodie instead.
Yukine grasped your chin, and forced you to look at him, which resulted in a blush from you both.
"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" He asked once more, this time in a more trusting tone.
You sighed, knowing that this was the time that you had to tell Yukine how you felt.
"Yukine, we're friends right?" You quietly asked.
"Yeah, of course." He answered with a hint of confusion in his voice.
"I don't want to be friends, Yukine." You responded solidly, the reaction from him almost frightening.
"..Wh..what..?" He asked stunned.
"I don't want to be friends because I don't have feelings for you as a friend."
His blush fell, and he immediately went pale.
Now, you have to tell him now.
You took a deep breath, and an oath in your thoughts.
No backing out.
"Yukine, I don't want to be friends because... I... I love you." You said, your face heating up at a hundred degrees per second.
It became silent once again, and it was just you and him, no pedestrians were present.
Rain began to drop on your heads, and was the only sound that could be heard.
All you could think was, he doesn't love me back, and each thought broke down your heart.
Tears spilled from your eyes in singles, as you looked down.
You stuffed your hands in your pockets, and turned around to walk away.
You'd gotten farther and farther down the street, the sound of your crying drowning out the rain.
Suddenly, just as you were about to turn the corner to go through the forest towards the river, something grabbed your wrist.
You turned around, the sight of sunset hues warming your cold heart.
He looked deep into your eyes, just as he had previously before, and you were able to get lost in them. But you didn't want to. You didn't want to be in love with someone who didn't love you back.
Without warning, Yukine gripped your hips, and brought your body merely inches away from his.
You were both now drenched in rain water, the only thing keeping you warm was the heat radiating between the both of you. And just as you imagined it, his lips fell into yours.

Omdhdhdhdhdhvdgddhdhsjskls YALL ARE FINALLY TOGETHER. GOODNESS GRAVY THAT TOOK FOREVER. Any who, the reason why I updated so soon was because I know that because of testing I'm probably not gonna update this week, so I gave you guys two chapters to enjoy! Tell me if you loved or hated it in the comments! Don't forget to vote and favorite!! Love you guys!!-Drama Typhoon

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