Chapter 7: Recovery

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A/N: Okay so the last song I put in a chapter did not go so well because it was supposed to be a tender loving song when I didn't realize it was a freaking dubstep remix until I updated the chapter. Anywho, listen to this song, which really goes with the chapter! Continue on reader!! PRESS THE LITTLE SOUND ICON DOWN THUR AT THE BOTTOM. DO IT.
Your P.O.V:
"Yukine!!!" You called sprinting through the streets, the pedestrians walking beside you a blur.
"Yukine!!" You call again, your voice becoming hoarse from screaming so loudly.
Your heart was beating out of your chest for worry that something had happened to him.
You turned a corner, only to find Yukine in a corner by a lampost, hunched over a picture.
"...Yukine?" You called his name, slowing your sprint to a walk.
He didn't look up, but only cried out in sadness.
You crouched down to his position, rubbing his back in small circles.
"What happened?" You calmly asked him.
"I saw her, she looked me right in the eyes, (Y/n). She said she missed me, and I couldn't say that I missed her too," He sobbed, his head leaning on your shoulder as he cried.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, and held him tightly against you.
"Who?" You asked him, curious who he was crying so hard over.
Without saying anything, he simply slid the picture into your hands, your eyes instantly widening.
It was presumably Yukine's family..
"How did you get this, Yukine?!" You asked him excitedly. It may have not been a key to your past, but you were both getting somewhere.
"Miyu.. she left it.." Yukine whispered amidst his sniffling.
Miyu must have been the little girl standing beside him in the picture. His sister... She had such a pretty name.
You stared delicately at the picture, becoming saddened that you and Yukine would probably never have anything like that again.
"There has to be way.." Yukine spoke up, breaking the silence.
"Huh?" You asked him confused.
"There has to be a way that we can get out of this life!!" Yukine shouted loudly, beginning to grip the sleeves on your sweater.
You looked down, refusing to respond, because in truth, you both knew that there wasn't a way.
"I just want to tell my family that I miss them too, that I would do anything just to be with them!" He cried out, his hoarse scream echoing against the empty intersection.
You bit your lip, trying your best not to burst out into tears along with him. Him seeing you crying would only make him feel worse.
"I'm sorry, Yukine." A familiar voice said from behind the both of you.
You both slowly turned your heads to find a disheveled Yato standing above the both of you.
(A/N:Yato can transport to places, according to the anime.)
"I'm sorry that you can't be with them," Yato spoke once more, his composure becoming worse by the minute.
You couldn't contain it anymore, seeing that the two people you cared most for had broken down.
You too, began to cry, not only for Yukine's sake, but because you knew that one day this would happen to you, and it would hurt like hell...Only thing is, there's no way to get away from that pain because it would demand to be felt.
3 days later

You knocked on the door of the room Yukine was staying in. Hiyori had kindly allowed the three of you to stay at her place.
"..Yukine..?" You calmly called him before walking in.
He hadn't come out in days, and he was past just beginning to worry you.
There was no answer, which resulted in a frustrated sigh from you.
"I'm coming in," you said without permission, pushing the door open, and letting yourself in.
To your surprise, the room was fairly organized and neat, and there sat Yukine at the end of the bed.
You walked over by him, his faded peach irises boring into the wall in front of him.
His skin was pale white, and the only texture that coated it was dry tear stains.
Even his hair was a dry, matted mess.
Seeing him that way made you crumble. Yeah, you'd seen Yukine when he was sad, but nothing as bad as this.
"I brought you something to eat," you said setting down the tray of soup and crackers Hiyori had prepared for him.
Still, he didn't acknowledge your presence, and continued staring at the wall.
You annoyingly sighed, stepping in from of him.
He didn't dare to even make a single glance at you.
You planted your feet firmly in the floor, and whipped the palm of your hand hard against his cheek.
The smacking of skin to skin contact echoed against the walls of the room.
He finally responded with a yelp, and lightly pressed his finger tips to the red mark on his cheek.
He simply looked up at you, without saying anything, only rubbing his cheek.
You glared at him, folding your arms across your chest.
"Stop it, Yukine. You're blighting Yato." You growled, getting more irritated by the second.
"That sweaty god deserves it," he mumbled, looking away from you once again.
You grabbed his chin, and forced him to look at you, his eyes becoming surprised when you did it.
"This isn't a joke, Yukine. You're losing control again, and that means Yato could die. Meaning we get lost too, and wed never see each other again. Do you want that?" You spoke sternly.
He frantically shook his head 'no' as a response.
"So then why are you doing this?!" You asked him.
He looked down, his chin still pinched inbetween your fingers.
"..I.. I can't help it. It just hurts so bad, and I don't wanna be in pain anymore. I just.. do it to get rid of the pain." He shrugged.
"Well guess what, Yukine? We committed to doing this. For ourselves, so we can finally rest easy. And it's gonna hurt like hell, but we have to take it so we can get our reward at the end. But I know one thing's for sure, I'm not giving up now, and you sure as hell aren't either."
He looked up at you, grabbing your hand, and softly pulling it down from his chin.
He grabbed your waist, and slowly pulled you down to the point that you were sitting in his lap, saddeling him.
You blew a heavy breath, releasing any anger that you had left.
"If I promise that I won't give up, you have to promise too." Yukine said cautiously, as he didn't want to aggrevate you further.
"I promise." You said without even consulting what may come along with that. But you didn't care. You were too far to give up on what you wanted now.
"Oh, I forgot.. I uh got you something." Yukine said, retrieving a long (f/c) silk scarf from behind him.
He sheepishly handed it to you, your heart warming up at the thought of him getting you something.
"You.. got this for me..?" You asked him, happiness practically pouring out of you.
"I know how much you like the scarves at that merchant's stand way across town.. so I decided to get you one." Yukine shyly explained, scratching the back of his neck.
You knew the scarves were no where near cheap, as they were silk. And Yukine had went through all that trouble just to get you one.
"You worked to pay for this..?" You asked him, instantly falling in love with the gift he'd just given you.
"Yeah.. its kinda my way of saying that.. I love you too." He stuttered as he admitted that he loved you.
You couldn't conceal the smile spreading widely across your face, as you immediately wrapped the several toned (f/c) scarf around your neck, its silk instantly comforting your skin.
"I love you too, Yukine."
You leaned into his open arms for a hug, after only a second, hearing Yato scream from the floor below you.
"Agh! Yukine you perve!!" Yato cried out in pain.
You quickly pulled away from the hug, seeing Yukine blush as soon as you faced him again. You rolled your eyes, and rose from his lap.
"We're going to find my family tommorrow. You'd better be up bright and early, pervert." You ordered him before walking out the room with a smirk, and closing the door behind you.
"I'm not a perve!!!"

Woah. I just realized this chapter had a major mood change. Like it shifted from uber sad to Reader-Chan becomes queen sass in the ass (i'm sorry don't hate me). Anywho, guess what guys? I'll be out for summer in one week!! Yay!! No more school!! But before that I have finals, soo ew. -.- I may not update for a while because of that, but you never know, so be on the lookout for a new chapter!!
And alsoo
Don't forget to vote and favorite if ya want! I love you angels.- Drama Typhoon

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